The Hands That Hurt Us- Part 30

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Jin ran out the door after Jungkook. "I said no! Stop!" When he was out into the hall his maknae was already out of sight. He knew exactly what he was trying to do and it sent a reign of terror straight through his body. He knew the members could handle Shik on their own, but if Jungkook got in there he had no idea what that man might try to do to him, because he knew the man was definitely angry considering they could hear the police sirens outside at this point. He internally yelled at himself for letting his maknae get away. You had one job, Jin! One damn job!

"Jungkook!" He screamed. He ran as fast as he could around the corner and caught sight of his maknae running towards the dance studio. "I am telling you to stop!"

"No! I have to save them!" Jungkook screamed back at his hyung. To both their surprise, the rush of adrenaline that shot through Jin sent him into hyperspeed and he caught up to Jungkook and grabbed the back of his shirt.

"Let go of me!" Jungkook screamed and tried to pry Jin's hand off of his shirt. They were so close to the practice room.

"No!" Jin screamed back.

When Jungkook tried running again, Jin did the only thing he could think of to stop Jungkook from possibly running straight to his death. He tackled Jungkook straight to the ground and they both fell with a loud thud.

"Ow!" Jungkook yelled, clutching the stitches on his stomach.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you but you have to stay away from him! At least until he's in handcuffs and can't hurt you!"

"Get off of me!" Jungkook screamed while trying to wiggle his way out from under Jin. "You expect to just sit here and let him hurt hyungs in the meantime?!"

"He won't!"

"You don't know that, Jin!"

Jin's heart sank even more. If he was being honest with himself, he realized Jungkook was right, he didn't really know. But he knew the five of them were together and there to protect eachother if Shik tried anything so he reassured himself that they had to be okay.

"Please," Jungkook cried, "Let me up."

Jin hesitated. "They aren't going to get hurt. I just know it, okay? I'll only let you up if you promise me you won't run again. Just come back to the conference room and wait."


Jin stood up and helped his maknae to his feet. He noticed Jungkook clutching his stitches again.

"I'm sorry, are you okay? I didn't rip them did I?" his hyung asked.

Jungkook lifted his shirt to check. "No, I'm okay." He was a bit sore but Jin hadn't done any damage.

"Good," Jin said. He went to grab Jungkook's hand to guide him back to the conference room, and before his hand caught Jungkook's, the maknae immediately booked it down the hall again just escaping his hyungs reach.

Jin was furious. "JUNGKOOOK!" he screamed as he ran after him again. He rounded another corner and felt the fear course through his chest again when he saw Jungkook fling the door open to the practice studio and throw himself inside. He sped in after him.

"SHIK STOP! STOP STOP! PLEASE!" Jungkook screamed. He stopped and was a bit confused when he saw Shik sitting on the floor next to his hyungs.

"Jungkook get out!" Jin screamed from behind him as he stumbled in through the door.

The members all froze and then turned to Jin.

"Why is he in here?! Get him out!" Yoongi screamed.

"I'm trying!" Jin screamed back.

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