
In an unknown section of land stood a series of buildings on a flat plateau, a perimeter of barbed fence extending far down the plateau's side. The outside was cluttered with levitating tables, rows of satellite dishes pointing to the night sky, and dozens of cluttered trucks locked in a storage unit.  Among one of the levitating tables was a young woman sketching lines on a parchment spread out among the endless mugs of coffee. Her goggles pressed against her forehead tightly, pulling back her long auburn hair from her eyes, allowing her to view the clear skies. She yawned and added two lines to the dot resembling Mars.

"Let's see. Presuming they keep their steady course, they should be able to reach Mars's area by the end of the month..." She mumbled, brushing her hand against the mugs to find another sip. Suddenly, a panicked yell came from behind, scaring her into slamming the table. Several mugs fell to the ground and cracked at the tips. The robot was not much taller than her, with a slightly cylindrical lime green body with digital red eyes on a black screen for a face. From his torso was a giant spherical orb for a bottom with glowing pink and blue lights levitating his body inches from the ground. Two tiny orbs levitated at the robot's side as he twiddled his comically big hands nervously.

"Ms. Lavender, I'm so sorry to interrupt but we have a problem!! We just received word from asteroid Alpha that we lost contact with hubs G and H!!" He huffed. Lavender whipped around and knocked the only mug left off the table. Her tired dark eyes shot open with fear and shock as the assistant caught his breath.

"What?! Wh-When did this happen?" She asked.

"We received the signal minutes ago, but this could've happened a few days ago at least. They said the hubs just exploded all of a sudden. All electronics were disabled for a short time before the solar energy cores booted up. As far as we know, it's the same energy surges that come from the core of those asteroids." The robot said.

"The energy elements?" Lavender asked with a tired sigh. Her robot assistant couldn't look at her and joined with another sigh.

"Yes. The main source of the elements still haven't been tracked down yet, and all of our equipment was lost in the hubs. Should I try sending in two more hubs?" He asked.

"No! At least let me get in contact with our superiors about this, and I need to cancel-" Lavender paced around the table picking up the cracked mugs.

"About that Miss Lavender. He wants to talk to you right now. He's waiting for the call inside." Lavender's breathing grew shallow as she stared at the bright entrance to the building. The assistant exchanged a sympathetic look as they took the mug and opened the door. She hesitated before heading inside, passing the wide tables filled with blueprints, the endless screens projecting 3-D satellite orbital paths, and little robots cleaning the floor. She reached over to her computer and linked it to the main screen before accepting the call button. As the call went through, the face of her superior appeared on the computer screen with a displeased look.

"Lavender, care to explain why we have received news of two more hub ships destroyed heading towards the asteroids?" He said in an annoyed tone that made Lavender want to look away.

"I'm afraid they exploded upon reaching asteroid Omega's launching pad sir. But I think I can find a way to bypass whatever is causing these interruptions. I just need to get the equations through and get into contact with the Chronos Institute and we can get the project running again. These accidents are not going to happen again sir." Lavender explained. Her eyes felt so heavy and strained but managed to keep a smile, no matter how stressed she looked. Her superior rubbed his brow and brought out papers that made the atmosphere cold. She looked to her assistant, who had the same worried expression as her.

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