chapter seventeen

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"we have arrived at the amusement park!" Chris yelled, coming out of the car and shutting the door behind him.

Jasmine does the same and waits for me to step out of the car.
I open the door and I try to step out of the vehicle, something stops me. I look down on my chest and remembered that Nicole fell asleep on me.
I guess I'll carry her out with me.
I wrapped her legs around my waist and held her back for support. I existed the car and stared at the place,the moment I look at my left I see Jasmine glaring at me.
I tapped Nicole on her cheek for her to wake up. As soon as she woke up,I put her down and walked over to Jasmine, Jasmine stubbornly grabs my hand and intertwining our fingers together.
We walk over to the gate to buy tickets, immediately we arrived at the ticket booth,we hear a grumpy man scolding at a female.
I take a closer look at the female,and to find that it's the waitress from the cafeteria.
I look back and realised that Milo has disappeared in thin air, I look in front and see Milo backing up his so called girlfriend.
He looked furious as he glares at the man.
Milo tells him to stop but the man keeps on talking shit about her.
Milo had enough of it,he raised his right hand a little and clobbered the man with a powerful right.
He started bleeding from his mouth, afterwards he apologized to the waitress and to Milo too.
He gives Milo seven tickets, he pleaded and asked for forgiveness from Milo and told him not to tell his boss.

I feel like Milo hasn't forgiven him by the way he is glaring at him.
Will he hit him again?

"It's okay, but remember you should never ever scold my girlfriend or try to do anything to her. If you do believe me, I will kill you with my bare hands" he tells him,he grabs Trishas' hand and walks in.

I felt like he was in god mode for second, we follow Milo from behind.
"Here you go," Milo says giving all of us free tickets.
No need for me wasting my money anymore.

"By the way what's your name?" Chris asks the waitress.
The waitress stares at him in shock, Chris was there when Milo approached the waitress. I guess he was in his own world.

"My name is Trisha Banks,"she said, putting her other hand on Milo's chest.

"Alright, don't expect more from me," Chris says walking away from the conversation.

I looked down saw that jasmines hand is still intertwined with mine. .
I started walking while Jasmine follows from behind with a smile.
Her arm is soft I ain't going lie,it feels like I am touching clouds.
I didn't want the gang to come with us, I wanted Jasmine and I to be left alone. I could tell Jasmine realised that and there was no need for me to explain to her myself.

"Which ride do you want to try first?" I ask looking down at Jasmine.

"The tunnel of love please" she tells me, A smile bloomed and her face as I accepted to go in the tunnel of love.

We entered the boat that was left by the previous customers.
A kind young lad gives us a push and tells us to "enjoy."
As soon as we entered the tunnel,it was pitch black and I couldn't see much. From no where the lights turn on.
I looked around the place in awe as I see roses on the floor. The place smelt lovely, I looked at Jasmine and could see that she was enjoying it.
Music started playing,it was a love song.
The boat finally hit rock and stopped.
We stepped out and saw a restaurant, we walked in and we didn't find any customers.
We walked over to the big Island displayed in the middle of the room.
A gent approaches us and gives us a menu, he waits for us to choose. We chose what satisfied us and gave him back the menu,he left.
"This is lovely. You make me so happy Jason,I feel safe in your arms ." Jasmine said,putting her arm on top of mine.
We stared at each other for a couple of minutes,the waitress interrupts and gives us our plates.
I lost my appetite and it looked like Jasmine did as well.
I stood and stubbornly grabbed her hand.
She quickly stood upright and looked at me in confusion.
I wrapped my arm around her waist while my other arm is intertwined with Jasmine's fingers.
The waitress notices us and plays music that we could enjoy dancing to. It was the cha cha dance. I started dancing while Jasmine follows my every move, I didn't know she is this talented or maybe she was taught by somebody.
Oh my gosh, the part where I am suppose to twirl Jasmine has arrived.
I lifted up my hand and twirled her.

"Are you sure you are suppose to twirl me?" Jasmine giggles.
To be honest it's been a while since I have ever done this. I have completely forgotten the basics, as long as we are having fun that's what matters to me.

I looked down at Jasmine and smiled.

"I am not sure as well," I said, pulling her closer to my chest.

"Anyways it's okay. I also don't,"she says as the corner of her lip turns into a smirk.
Oh my gosh she looks adorable when she smiles,she warms my heart when I am having a bad day.

The music finally stopped and we were worn out.
We left the place and walked over to the love boat. We get in, turn the boat around and leave the place.


"Where do you want go next my queen?" I ask.

"Heyy!! Look Jason, cotton candy. Can I have some?" She asked, yanking my shirt like a baby would do when they want something that satisfies them

It's her birthday, I better just buy for her. Luckily she doesn't know what present I bought for her. I'd prefer it to be a secret,I want to surprise her.
"Um, sure get as much as you what," I said

"Lovely!" Jasmine yells giving me a kiss on my cheek

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