Chapter 41

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The winner for the poll was 50 chapters! I'm sad for it to be ending I've had a lot of fun writing this


"Auntie!" Gracie cheers seeing me walking with Bentley. "How is my favourite girl?" I ask getting closer. "Good!" She answers then turns seeing jack. "Uncle jack!" She yells excitedly running up to him.

I guess she did warm up to jack, he picks her up and we all go inside. We're at my sisters today, we have a couple more days here until we go home to rest before we have to go to Europe until december.

We have 2 weeks until we have to go so I will be off the whole time making sure our clothes are cleaned and Bentley is ready to travel. This leg of the tour might be harder but it's only a month and a half. "Hows bentley doing?" She asks.

"He's good, napping right now" I answer holding up the carrier. "Carter and him have the same sleep schedule" she smiles. "So that's where my nephew is" I joke. "He should be up soon" she replies.

Gracie sits on Jack's lap and I sit next to him holding 6 month old bentley. He likes to wiggle around and has started to crawl so he wiggles if he's in someone arms. "You wanna go crawl?" I ask holding him infront of me.

He squeals and I laugh putting him on the floor gently. "Can I watch him?" Gracie asks. I laugh and nod "yeah go ahead" I reply. She jumps off of Jack's lap and slowly follows Bentley around the living room.

My sister comes back with my nephew who is about 7 and a half months.  "Oh my god his hair" I whisper. It's crazy like gracies was when she was this old. She is now 4 and runs around like crazy apparently. "Crazy right?" My sister asks. I nod and she hands me him "hey buddy I'm your aunt" I say.

He sits facing me and I talk to him and he just nods. "Bentleys is crazy too" jack smiles. Rebecca nods "yeah I that's our Gene's coming through" she laughs. "I dont know about that jack had crazy hair as a baby" I reply.

We sit talking and then gracie and Bentley come back in, bentley crawling in front of her. "Is it cool meeting your cousin gracie?" Rebecca asks her. She nods and crawls onto her lap. "Yeah, he's cute like carter" gracie replies. Jack picks bentley up holding him and playing with his hair.

My brother in law comes in and Gracie immediately jumps into his lap and starts talking about Bentley. "Gracie guess what" jack says. "What uncle jack?" She asks. He smiles holding my hand "I have a question for you" he says.

Her eyes light up and she nods "what?" She asks. "Do you want to be our flower girl when I marry your auntie?" He asks. She gasps and nods excitedly. "Yesss!" She yells excitedly.

About an hour later we have dinner and then go back to the hotel. Bentley is fast asleep when we get there so we gently place him in the bassinet. "I'm gonna shower" I let jack know.

Just a few seconds later I feel his arm around my waist and he moves the hair away from my neck "can we save water?" He whispers. I lean my head back looking up at him "I'm all for saving the planet" I whisper back.

He leaves small kisses on my neck "i love that about you" he whispers. I giggle and start walking towards the bathroom, he follows behind me holding my hand.

I turn around after he closes the door and I lean up kissing him deeply. He kisses me back deeply and I slowly start removing my shirt. He pulls away and we both quickly take our shirts off, and I slip my pants off kicking them and going to remove his pants.

"Slow down baby" he whispers holding my hands. I look up at him regulating my breathing "sorry" I whisper. He chuckles "don't be" he whispers letting my hands go so I can take his pants off.

He kicks them off and we get into the shower and he lifts me up pressing my back against the wall. "Hi" I whisper looking down at him. He smirks "hi" he whispers. I lean my head against his before lowering myself.

We end up spending about half an hour in there before Bentley starts crying. "Good thing I just finished" jack chuckles. "In that case can you get him? I've gotta wash my hair" I ask. He nods pecking my lips "of course" he whispers. "I love you" he says before going to make sure he is okay.

I smile and wash my hair from the other room I can hear him rapping to Bentley about his toys and then he adds in having to change his poopie diaper. I laugh to myself wrapping myself in the hotel towel.

"That was cute" I tell him. "Mmmm thank you" he replies. "What time is it?" I ask. "8" he answers. I nod and grab a bottle I prepared at my sisters warming it up.

For the rest of the night we just lay in bed with Bentley before he's asleep in Jack's arms. "He loves sleeping in your arms" I say. He nods putting him to sleep in the bassinet and i lay my head in the crook of his neck when he comes back.

His one hand playing with my hair and the other holding my hand playing with the ring. "I can't believe we're engaged" I whisper.

Then i remember the talk we had that morning, I had asked if we'd be married by time Bentley is two. "How far ahead did you know you'd propose?" I ask. "I asked your dad when we went over there but I knew as soon as tour started, stella and madline helped find the ring" he answers.

I never would've known that damn. "Wow" I whisper. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too" I whisper back closing my eyes feeling sleepy and he continues playing with my hair until he falls asleep.


The following day we went and visited our parents and they spoil Bentley with love and gifts. "Welcome to the family" my dad tells jack. "Thank you" he smiles. I smile happily and hug them good bye.

We aren't sure when we'll be back here but hopefully soon. We go to his parents on the way to the airport and his mom happily changes him for me when we realized that he had gone number 2.

"Thank you Maggie" I smile. "Oh of course" she smiles side hugging me then we say goodbye and we are off to the airport going home to la.

Bentley thankfully sleeps for most of the flight letting us switch between who sleeps throughout it. We get home in time for dinner so we just order take out from the cheesecake factory and watch a movie from Disney.

I scroll on my phone tapping through Instagram stories and seeing that deuxmoi posted about the proposal and photos of us at the louisville airport. "Ah yes the regular ivy and jack post on this Instagram" i say showing jack. "At least its positive" he replies. "True" i reply putting my phone down for the rest of the night.


Hope ya liked it voice your thoughts/opinions/predictions! :)

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