Chapter 31

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My alarm woke me up around 9 and I waddled into the kitchen after changing into pjs and the moms were already making french toast and bacon for breakfast.

"Jack should be up soon" I sit on the stool yawning. "No worries, the dads are in the living room watching the news and having coffee" maggie smiles.

I make myself decaf coffee and jack comes out from our room. "Morning baby" he whispers kissing the top of my head. "Morning" I whisper back. He rests his hand on my bump "my boy" he whispers.

He goes over and sneaks a piece of bacon and sits beside me. "What are the plans for the day?" He asks. "After breakfast we'll open presents and facetime my sister in, then our moms and I will start the turkey, not sure what we'll do between then and eating dinner" I answer.

"Is there a time for a nap?" He asks. "I'm sure we can fit that in" I answer. Clay comes in from the nursery rubbing his eyes tiredly "is there coffee?" He asks.

My mom pours him a mug and he quietly thanks her and sits next to jack. "Okay boys can you set the table?" Maggie asks. Jack nods and grabs the plates and clay does the silverware.

Our dads come back in and we have breakfast. I feel kicking as I'm eating, he's active this morning. I love watching the bump move it can change shapes. "You ok?" Jack asks once he notices I'm rubbing my bump.

"Yeah he's active this morning" I answer. "Kicking away?" He asks. I nod smiling "oh yeah" I laugh.

We finish up breakfast and I call my sister on facetime and they open their gifts first. I got her a few onesies and baby socks, my niece got some toys and clothes, jack got her some new balance which is so cute and my brother in law got some basketball game tickets. That one was Jack's idea.

They got the baby some toys, me some post baby clothes and jack a basketball shirt and some dad shirts and the two of us an ice machine. I hadn't ever thought of getting one but it's a good idea.

"Definitely plugging this in soon" jack looks at it. "Oh definitely" I agree. We move onto my parents, and then Jack's parents and clay go. "Okay Merry Christmas can't wait to visit next year" I say bye to my sister. She waves and then we hang up.

My mom and Maggie clean up the wrapping paper, Jack and clay take the ice machine into the kitchen plugging it in and adding water and our dads watching cartoons. I take our stuff to our room organizing it.

I feel an arm around my waist resting on my bump "hi baby" Jack whispers. "Hi" I whisper turning around. "I love having our family here" he smiles. "Me too" I smile resting my hands on his chest looking up at him. "Next time they're here we'll have bently" he whispers.

"Oh my god you're right" I reply. Only 10 more weeks. I start thinking and feel nervous, how is child birth going to be? Will he sleep? Will I be able to be a good mom? "Hey are you okay?" He asks.

Before my mind takes over I reply "just nervous about giving birth" I answer. "I'm going to be with you through every step" he reassures me.

I nod "I know" I whisper. He rubs my cheek with his thumb "you get even more beautiful every day" he smiles. "God you're so cheesie" I reply. He chuckles "what can I say you've got me whipped" he confesses.

"I'd hope so I am having your kid" I reply. "Mmmm I love you too" he says. "I love you more" I whisper. "Oh really?" He raises his eyebrows. I smirk and nod "uh huh i do" I smile.

He smirks and holds my face gently kissing me, I smile into it kissing him back. Before it gets to be too much we go back to the living room joining our dads and clay for cartoons.

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