Chapter 98

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I don't know when, but I became unconscious during whatever they were doing. I opened my eyes quickly when I regained it only to see Steve sitting next to me, he had a bruise on his jaw and I knew it was there because of me.

"Hi," I said softly and he looked up from staring at the wall to me. "Hey," he said back and gave me a soft smile. I remember what had happened and I sat up in the bed wearing different clothes making me nervous.

"Calm down, everyone is okay," he said and that made me frown, why would he say that? I sighed looking at my trembling hands which were free from the bracelets and wrapped in bandages.

"What happened?" I asked looking around, I was still on the plane guessing from the sounds in a bed next to the lab. "I'm going to get someone who can explain it way better than me," he said standing up but I grabbed his wrist keeping him from leaving.

"Please don't," I said more nervously than I'd liked to be. "It's okay, they... know you," he said softly and I frowned confused but he left me there alone anyway. I felt the stinging on my wrists after I let go looking at them curiously.

The young woman and the woman I saw before I came here out walked in looking more casual than before and strangely comfortable. They walked in standing beside me making me look at them confused, but Steve was standing in the back so that reassured me.

"You don't remember me?" the younger one asked and I nodded no carefully and she sighed but kept smiling. "But you do remember him?" the older one asked looking at Steve.

"Yes, a little, not really..." I tried to explain but failed. Steve walked closer sitting next to me again but having his focus on the woman.

"They wiped her memory, multiple times, every time she started to remember things about me she would come back the next day unrecognisable," he started explaining and I listened carefully. They started asking questions but I could tell by his short answers he wasn't comfortable talking about his time inside Hydra which I could understand.

"How did you get the bracelets off?" I asked making them look at me. The girl I then knew was called Jemma and started talking.

"I did it before, or we..." she said softly and she started telling me about my time in shield, working with them. I didn't recognise her Jemma, but her name was familiar, May's face was getting more familiar too.

We started talking about the bracelets and what they knew about me, it became a light-hearted conversation after a few minutes until another girl walked in, she had dark long hair, also young. May immediately said it was Daisy and I remembered the name.

"I sent word to Fury, we're on our way," she said looking at May who nodded back and then at me. She watched me as if she was debating hugging me so I just gave her a soft smile wish she returned, but hugging her would be weird.

My head was hurting as soon I woke up, but every minute the headache grew larger and I felt the cracked barrier in my mind pounding to break it down completely, but it hurt more to let the memories slip back to me, so I kept it up.

Jemma knew something was bothering me and asked me about it, I told her and explained everything, and she told me that it would probably break eventually, she wasn't sure how to help.

"I liked you, I mean- did I like you?" I asked them quickly feeling embarrassed but they smiled back with a hinge of sadness to it. "You stayed with us for a pretty long time, you could find your way around," May said.

"I keep thinking about a name, Andrew, did you know him?" I asked again trying to place the name. "Yes, you talked a lot with him about your problems, but you became pretty comfortable with him," Jemma explained and I frowned.

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