Chapter 56

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I woke up from being poked on my arm, I lifted my head up and noticed MJ looking at me as if I was an idiot.

"I know math is boring, but the teacher is going to kick you out if you don't stay awake," she said giving a soft smile and I groaned, she was sitting next to me for no reason at all since there were still empty seats left.

"What happened to you anyway?" she asked next and I groaned in pain sitting up.

I fought with Stephen yesterday and that man didn't hold back, it was the first time I fought again and I did it but my muscles were aching like crazy. That and I stayed up until 5 to do the math homework and fell asleep doing so getting a little less than an hour of sleep. 

"Rough day," I answered and stayed up trying to focus on the teacher explaining a graphic, what the fuck.

My eyes didn't even try to make the image sharp so I was just pretending to get it, even though it was weird that the teacher cared for my attention since I was an 'intern'

I managed to stay awake and after that class we had lunch and I almost fell asleep on the table while chewing my apple until Peter poked my head.

I groaned and looked up at him. Ned and MJ weren't here for some reason, was I sleeping on this table alone? that must've looked shit...

"Late night?" he asked smiling being way too happy. I just nodded.

"Math homework was killing me, fell asleep on my desk," I said feeling my eyelids wanting to close again. Peter knew I wasn't really an intern so that part was okay.

"But it wasn't that much, was it?" he said and I let my head fall into the palm of my hand.

"It's a lot if you don't understand it," I said back softly.

"I could help you if you want," he said sitting down biting down on his sandwich.

"Really? you would do that?" I asked and he nodded, I took his offer and he didn't seem to bother helping anyone with math.

I texted Stephen asking if it was okay to bring Peter and that Tony knew him as well and it was okay, so he would come with me when he was done with school. Apparently, Peter knew Happy as well so I told him to ask Happy to drive him there.

I checked out for the rest of the day feeling I was way too tired, and I didn't want to pass out here, so Happy brought me to the sanctum where I fell asleep the first second I laid down in bed.

------Time skip----

A knock came on the door when I was just awake from my alarm and I said come in, I slept for 2 hours and felt so much better.

Peter was standing in the doorway awkwardly with his backpack uncertain if he should come in, I told him he could sit down and he made himself comfortable quickly.

"You weren't at chemistry," he said and I nodded 

"I slept for 2 hours, way too tired to stay awake," I said and smiled.

I put my hair in a new bun with my magic earning an amazed look on Peter's face. 

"Oh my god, you totally need to show me some of your magic!" he yelled excited but I nodded no.

"I have training later, and I was already tired, maybe another day," I explained.

"Is that why you're here?" he asked

"Yeah, Stephen helps me control my magic and I study to understand it," I explained and Peter nodded, I knew he was asking a lot of questions in his head but all the answers were too complicated or too depressing, or just straight up to intense for him.

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