Chapter 62

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Peter and I were walking into the gym, I showed him around all the floors letting him see where he could go if he was bored and where the best hiding places were and where he could find everything.

He was very excited and found it very useful to know the place, and he was quick to remember things so that was nice.

"It's so big," Peter said looking around the gym in awe.

"Yeah... but it's necessary, believe me, come here, show me your kick," I said standing in front of one of those fight cushions that stood on the floor instead of hanging from the ceiling. Peter looked hesitant but walked closer anyway, he stood preparing himself.

'Foot is placed wrong, awful gravity point, I could throw him off in 3 seconds in 10 different ways' 

He kicked and it fell over, but only because he was strong and not because his technique was good. I just looked at him lost in thought, and maybe I was judging him...

"What?" Peter asked nervously. "How long do you have your powers?" I asked him dryly. "6 Months..." Peter answered.

"You haven't done this before have you?" I asked and he nodded smiling awkwardly, that explained a lot, how did he even survive fighting guys?

"I'm just going with what my body does," he said and that was a good thing, but if his technique was better he would be way harder to beat.

"Can you do a body throw?" I asked but he kept looking confused, I signalled for him to step in front of me and I took a step back from him.

I took a big step towards him creating speed, jumping over his shoulders getting my legs behind his head, throwing my body back making his head fall down first towards the floor while I was going back to my feet. He reacted with a roll over his back to catch the punch and I smiled.

"Good reaction," I said smiling while he stood up looking shocked and out of breath.

"Why did you do that?!" he yelled and I just stood there not reacting but he chuckled.

"That was awesome, but next time warn me," he said calling down and catching his breath and I nodded smiling proudly at him.

I let him calm down and then I took him to the kitchen, no one was there but it was just 10 pm so I was wondering where everyone was. I put the thought aside and collected all our ingredients to make cookies.

Peter and I were both mixing the same in different bowls making enough cookies to feed everyone 6 cookies at least. I put on some music that was already on but put it louder. We were standing next to each other just talking and mixing, we put everything into the ovens and I sat on the kitchen counter while Peter was standing against the island.

"What are you thinking?" Peter asked smiling crossing his arms.

"That's a very dangerous question to ask me, Parker," I said dryly making him uncertain of his question.

"But I was thinking of asking you a question," I said and he sighed knowing he had to ask before I would tell him.

"What is the question?" he asked uninterestedly. "Do you want me to be your trainer?" I asked and he didn't see that coming, because he was shocked.

"What, you, why?" he rambled and I chuckled.

"Because you can use training, and I'm offering it, it's me or someone else I'm telling you," I said knowing someone else was going to say the exact same thing. If he was here he needed to protect himself.

"Can I think about it? just because I'm really busy with school and everything," he said finding an excuse but I let him.

It was his choice to make anyway. We cleaned everything and at 11:30 Peter was yawning on the couch while we were watching the news.

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