Chapter 57

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I was running like crazy and my feet were aching to stop running, but I knew they were used to much worse. 

My breathing was heavy and I focused on my escape route.

I ran through the sanctum in the mirror dimension but still being able to use all the walls and objects it was perfect to practise, other than the fact that Stephen sent 4 of his trainers behind my ass to fight, and they weren't holding back.

I was so confused when I got home and he immediately let me walk into the mirror dimension when those guys started chasing me.

There were cuts on my head and arms from blocking myself the most and one guy had thrown a crazy weapon into my kneehole but then I knocked him out by pushing him in his face.

The 2nd guy was hung by his foot from a chandelier in the main hall... Don't even ask.

Two guys were still following me.

"Use your powers!" Stephen yelled when he was watching me. Well, I had to give it to him, it was a good test, no preparation, no extra weapons, regular place, it was good, and the rush felt good.

I got frustrated from running away from the two remaining guys noticing I was preventing fighting in my personal space when that did much more damage... So I pushed all my emotions deep down like hydra taught me and I did a 180 on a pole and kicked one of the guys in the stomach.

He fell down but came back up again, when I used my body to fight the guy in front of me like hand-to-hand combat my mind was focused on using my power against the other.

I teleported behind the guy in front of me and I kicked it in his back while he was mid-attack and he lost his balance, he fell on the floor and stayed down for a second.

 I fought the other guy and I made veins coming from the ground, they grew onto his arms and neck all the way down to his feet, he was dragged down on the floor while he was struggling to get out, but he was stuck.

The other guy was standing up but I used my energy to make him flow through the air into the wall knocking him unconscious but alive.

I kicked the guy on the floor in the face unconscious and looked over to Stephen who was standing in front of the stairs a small distance away.

"Why did you kick him in the face?" he asked dryly

"I can't risk him escaping and sneaking up on me, I was never taught to leave anything half-done," I explained and he nodded understanding.

"Well, I've seen you do better but seeing your recovery I'm happy to see you on this level," he said and I smiled, he was proud, nahw...

We walked out and he sent two other's in there probably to take them out... I felt some cuts bleeding and noted to myself to take care of them later.

"So this Peter..." Stephen started while we were walking to the library.

"Kid from school, he works with Stark too apparently," I added but Stephen wasn't looking impressed, he really disliked Tony for some reason.

"You know the risks of involving him I hope," he said like a warning and I felt my bad mood come up again.

"I'm not planning on involving him," I said softly but I knew Stephen could hear the hesitation. He just looked at me shortly and after that, he passed me some new books because I've read the ones I had.

"I really can't let my guard down," I said sadly waiting while he was still searching for books passing me, he stood still in front of me but I could never read the emotions from his face nor his... feelings.

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