Chapter 51

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(They are so hot I can't comprehend it)

We were standing inside Loki's room again in front of his door, but the second we arrived there and I wanted to walk to the bed Loki grabbed my hand.  I turned around in confusion and saw Loki standing there, looking deep into my eyes making me question what was about to happen.

"I sincerely hope that you know I see through every lie," he said as if I was about to betray him, my face was still processing but I felt nervous about this unpredictable behaviour, even though I didn't want to be any kind of scared of Loki.

"I know," I said softly feeling his grip on my wrist. "Then why didn't you tell me the lie before you told the others," he said more coldly making my breathing become heavier, even though I knew he would never hurt me.

"Can you please let go?" I asked softly as if I was my young self again, feeling small and powerless, I looked him in the eyes again with hurt and his cold expression fell and his hand immediately let go of me.

He walked up to me and embraced me in a careful hug.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to make you afraid," he said still holding me while I buried my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry, It's not you that I'm afraid of and I was going to tell you I promise," I said looking up to see Loki's eyes red but he wasn't crying, just hurt. He let go of me and we sat down on the edge of the bed facing each other, I looked down kinda nervous to tell him, but simply because I was giving him another reason to worry.

"The story about Stephen saving me from the car is true, but not the whole truth," I said and Loki grabbed my hand and reassured me it was okay.

"The car was Hydra, and 5 men on patrol accidentally almost ran me over and recognised me, so they attacked us, but they're all dead and there wasn't any communication about me with other hydra agents," I explained and Loki frowned but listened carefully.

"Were you hurt?" was the only thing Loki asked with wide eyes as if he was about to kill them a second time if I said yes.

"I wasn't even unconscious," I said feeling caught trying not to lie, but he just kept looking at me in an I'm-not-stupid way, so I sighed. "So, I was stabbed, nothing that didn't happen at least 200 times before," I said brushing it away.

"You said the whole truth," he said and I hated him for knowing me.

"On the knife was a poison that infected my wound, but Stephen luckily noticed it when I asked him to check for a chip, so he cleaned it all and it only took me one day longer to heal," I said honestly.

"Wait, you asked for help after you've been stabbed?" he said shocked.

"No, of course not! Stephen said you would get angry at him if he didn't help me, and he is a real doctor, so he probably just wanted to help me either way," I said smiling again, and Loki smiled back to me.

"I'm sorry I reacted so intense, I should've trusted you more," he said still smiling. "Maybe, but I should've been honest the minute I saw you," I said smiling back at him. His hand went to the back of my neck and he pulled in for a sweet and soft kiss, as a way of moving on. When we pull apart both our eyes were still red but it was okay again. 

We went to the training room so I could show him some things I learned, but I told him I was still tired so I wouldn't take it too far. I showed them and Loki just nodded I was sad that I couldn't show him the mirror dimension because I found out I forgot a sling ring, I didn't even know if I was supposed to have one...

After showing the few things I've learned we went back to his room, I teleported us in front of his bed and when he looked at me he put his hand on my cheek looking more concerned.

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