Chapter 23

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We laid on the bed for a long time and I listened to the story Loki was telling, well more listened to his soothing voice. When the book was finished to my surprise and Loki chuckled at me for laying and acting like a cat but when I started threatening him he only laughed harder.

'If he only knew'


"Did you eat anything yet?" Loki asked after a moment of silence. "Yes," I simply responded. Loki frowned at me not believing me.

"I did!" I responded defensively. He looked still worryingly but he saw that I was being honest but he did warn me again to eat more. We went to the living room together around 2 pm to see how everyone was doing against Loki's will but I told him he needed to be more social and then I would eat more. That convinced him.

"Hey ya'll," I said happily walking inside the living room where Steve and Tony were arguing and Nat was silently sitting next to them while Clint was playing a video game, and Thor was still off-world.

"Celene, how are you?" Steve asked focusing his attention on me and Tony looked angry. "I'm better now, did it help a little bit?" I asked him.

"What were you thinking going in there alone?" Tony spoke up angered. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him confused about his reaction.

"First you try to kill him in the middle of the night, and two days later you're his therapist by going in there alone! you should've waited longer before going to see him," Tony said more annoyed.

"It was my choice and your idea, and guess what, I actually feel better about him being here now, I faced a fear of mine and I actually want to help him, Steve was there if anything went south," I explained calmly walking closer to them. Natasha was just listening carefully to my words and Clint also turned around to listen while Bruce walked in on us.

"Did you hear the conversation?" I asked Tony. "Yes, and I think it was stupid, you're not thinking about your own good!" Tony said again but not raising his voice. That comment shut me up because it was true, I didn't do it for myself in the first place.

"You don't have to face that fear alone just because it could help us, it's okay to think about yourself sometimes," Tony explained calming down more. It made sense why they were arguing about this, Steve only thought about what would be the right choice for everyone and Tony focused on the little breakdown it got me afterwards.

"She made her own choice Stark," Steve started. "No, you shoved this problem in her face by bringing him here!" Tony said angrily at Steve.

"I didn't know she knew him like that!" Steve snapped back. "No, because you only cared about bringing your friend back!" Tony spat back which shut Steve up. Tony may be a little dramatic but he was spilling facts.

"We should've thought about this more, but nothing really bad happened," Nat spoke up calmly looking at them. "So, almost killing someone out of fear and having a breakdown isn't bad?" Tony snapped at her.

"Tony, I get why you're upset about this, I didn't think about the consequences for myself but that's just not how my brain works, I wanted to help you, and even though it hurt me, I think this could lead to something good for me too, so in a way you're both right," I explained to them to calm them down.

They shut up and looked guilty as hell while Nat was smiling, Clint looked shocked and Bruce looked confused and probably didn't know what was going on.

"You two are like a married couple," I joked when they were silent for a while.

"Celene, I'm sorry," Steve told me sadly and honestly. "t's okay, really," I told him and gave him a little smile. Tony walked to the bar and poured a drink for himself and chugged it down which made Nat sign in disappointment.

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