Chapter 31

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The rest of the day it was quiet. I spend a lot of time in bed either sleeping or having conversations with others. Loki spent a lot of time with me, and also joined me in bed to sleep once. It happened when I asked him when he slept, he told me he didn't and I got angry at him, so we slept together in the bed.

It was now 8 pm and I was brought to the living room in a wheelchair with a blanket over me, I found that part unnecessary but Loki was worrying.

"It's fine, calm down please," I told Loki when we were in the elevator, he was so nervous, he acted like he didn't care about anybody else, but they were very much blaming him still, and I wanted that to be over with.

"I know sorry," he responded nervously. My voice was a lot better when I drank a lot of tea and started talking more, it wasn't perfect but it was fine for now. I was so impatient.

The elevator opened and we stepped out of it, we didn't hear anything and Loki and I looked confused at each other. He drove me into the living room and everyone was sitting around the coffee table on the couch. Loki drove me there and they all looked tense.

"Celene, hi, listen, uh, somebody is coming, and I don't want you to stress, I tried to stop it," Tony started rambling nervously. "Tony calm down, what is happening?" I asked him.

"The famous Celene, I heard a lot about you," a man's voice came from behind me. Tony looked in the direction and Loki turned my wheelchair around, a man with a long black leather coat was standing in the living room.

"And you are?" I asked defensively, I didn't know why but he gave mixed.

"Director of Shield, Nick Fury, I'm here to have a conversation about you," he told me. This was the man I would be taken to for the tests, and for some reason, I was having doubts about him, I looked back and saw Tony standing nervously, probably not wanting this for me.

"Alright, let's talk then, I have a few questions myself," I said calmly but daring. He chuckled but I didn't know what he thought of me, and that made me nervous, I didn't even know if my powers worked again but I kinda wanted to try to read his mind.

"Do you want to talk in private?" I asked him after a few moments. "Stark can come too," he simply responded. I looked at Tony and he nodded in agreement, I nodded too and Tony drove me to the conference room with them.

'Calm down Loki'

'Shut up' I smiled at his sarcastic tone but we drove out of the room, I was so uncomfortable talking to Fury in this state. We sat down around the table, Tony next to me and the director across from us.

"First of all, I'm glad we're able to have this conversation aside from all the disapproval from the team," he started. 

"I'm sure you are," I responded sarcastically. "Is there a problem here?" he asked defensively.

"If you want me to be honest in this conversation you're gonna need to be honest with me too, I know you already have files on me, tracked me since I was a kid, so please explain that part for me," I told him coldly, but friendlier than before. I didn't want this to become a verbal fight, this was sort of my future. He looked surprised, he didn't know, he gave a glance to Tony who just nodded to him.

"I see," he simply responded. "First of all I need you to solve a case for us by simply answering one question," he told me when he got out a file. I nodded in agreement and took a look at the file before I opened it up, some codes and s.h.i.e.l.d. were written on the file.

"Just tell me if this is you," Fury explained. I was afraid of what I would find, but opened the file anyway, inside were pictures of the crime scene in 2007, I was 16 at the time. On the photo's were dead bodies lying in a secret club, it was footage of a surveillance camera, you could see me standing with a gun, but I was wearing a mask as usually.

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