Chapter 85

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4 weeks later, Friday, December 10th. 4:30 am.

I was already in my suit sitting at the table in the kitchen eating breakfast, it was still quiet and no one else was in the room but I needed the moment of peace for a while.

A week ago, after three weeks of working inside of this base working on my mental health, I was cleared by Andrew as stable enough. It was only because I trusted him a lot more and it got a lot cosier to talk to him too.

I really opened up and it wasn't as bad as I thought, he helped me process some things from the past like a trauma but neither of us confirmed or denied that term to use for my memories. Anyway, I was cleared, and I felt better too.

I went on three missions, and I went out with Daisy a few times to bring in people who went through Terrigenesis and didn't have control over their powers, it was really interesting to learn how to deal with those situations, and Daisy was a good agent.

I learned a lot and being around May was the best thing ever, she was fucking funny in her own weird way, she hated people to show them she loved them and it was fucking inspiring.

I found out Jemma and Fitz both liked Disney movies so we watched a lot of those, Daisy sometimes joined and the rest of them scoffed at us as they walked by the tv.

So it became a lot more fun to be here and get to know them all even better.

With my powers; everything that was gone stayed gone, and it was perfectly okay, the ones I still had were useful and easy, I relied more on my weapons again and it felt more natural to me.

Jemma kept check of my cells after everything and confirmed that I was healing again, a lot quicker too, and I did feel better physically.

The only thing that felt more like an obstacle was that I had less durability, I got hurt more quickly, but on the other hand, that's what makes it interesting...

I sighed thinking about the past few weeks, and I did feel like I missed the tower and everyone there, but I wasn't done, not quite yet.

I finished eating pressing my thoughts away into the corner of my mind trying to have some goddamn peace. I cleaned everything up and put my dishes away when I heard someone walk in, I quickly looked around and saw May walking in looking thoughtfully.

"You seem on edge, everything okay?" she asked softly and I nodded drying my hands with the towel looking at her.

"Just don't get nervous, we need you on this mission," she said and I smiled. "Yes ma'am," I said sarcastically and she scoffed and mumbled some words in mandarin.

"Королева драмы," I muttered under my breath making her look at me dryly but she didn't respond making me question if she understood it. 

(Translation: Drama queen, if it's wrong... I'm not Russian <3 Blame translate)

"Wheels up in 20," May shouted already walking away making me smile, I didn't need to yell after her, she knew I heard.

I went to my room and packed some extra weapons and stacked them into my suit, Tony made enough places to hold them and I was grateful for that.

After a while a knock came on my door and I yelled come in, Daisy walked in and asked if I was coming, I nodded and put down my notebook and followed after her. I put my hair on a ponytail behind my back as we were walking towards the hanger.

Not being able to change my clothes, hair or makeup with magic again sucked and it made me feel more normal, in a bad way. God, I sounded like Loki even thinking.

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