New Years Eve - Ch. 50

Start from the beginning

"You were saying- I think we stopped at the 'respect your parents part'"Draco said, lifting his feet up to lean against another chair.

"Oh yeah, that ugly cow told me to look at them when I could barely move, I'd say he's delusional but he's 6 feet under" Hermione told, magically refilling her glass.

Blaise bit his tongue for a second before walking over, sitting at the table with them. "And what about what happened after he found out you were sending hints?"He asked.

Hermione let out a soft humourless laugh, raising her cup to her lips. "He was so offended!"She said. "If I hadn't been too focused on making sure you wouldn't get hurt, I would've laughed at him"She added.

"Me? What do you mean?" He questioned. "Well I couldn't let you get hurt, could I? I'd read about twin bonds before and I had to make sure I expected the worst so you wouldn't feel it"She explained, taking a sip from her cup.

Blaise looked away from her, at Theo and Pansy and they had the same painful look on their faces too. Only she would be thinking about everyone else's safety while her life was on the line.

"Oh well, he was so offended. You should've seen him, his voice cracked every time he cursed me, it would've been nice to point that out"She grinned, unaware of the uneasy silence around her.

"And you should've heard him too! He blamed me for not being able to have a good Christmas! He blamed me! I called him a delusional bitch, and he got offended again"She rolled her eyes at the last part.

"You were careless"Draco scoffed, glaring at her.

"Oh please, you try being tied up to a wall for 3 weeks. I wasn't going to let him ruin my break and blame me for it. And he had the audacity to complain each time one of the other people healed me, like he hadn't bashed my head into the wall" She said.

"He bashed your head into the wall?"Pansy asked, she expected magical harming, not physical.

"Yeah, that ugly cow. It hurt, but a few hours later, someone would come and stop the bleeding so it wasn't that bad"She shrugged.

"Not that bad?"Theo snapped. "Granger you're mental"He said.

"What did you expect from someone who's been locked up? Of course I am. I've had to go through this twice! The other was only a couple hours but it still hurt" Hermione said.

"My parents were annoying too, kept trying to get me to eat and what not. I couldn't even sleep for a bit without them interrupting. Merlin, every time I convinced him to kill me, they reminded him he wasn't allowed to"She sighed dramatically.

"Why would you convince him to kill you!"Blaise barked, glaring at his sister as he stood.

"He'd already used two unforgivables, why not complete the set?"She shrugged.

"Stem"Blaise snapped, his eyes not leaving her. The elf appeared and bowed. "Get a sober up potion"He demanded. "2 of them"He added, glancing at Draco.

The elf went and reappeared instantly. Giving them to Blaise, Stem left quickly, noting the tense mood. He gave Draco the first potion and then had to force Hermione to take hers. "So fucking careless"He mumbled under his breath angrily.

He placed the vial on the table as they returned to their conscious selves. "Well?"He snapped at his sister, glaring at her. She glanced around for a second, confused, before everything came back to her.

"You wanted to know what happened, it is not my fault if you don't like what you heard"She snapped back.

"You tried to have yourself killed"Draco glared at her as he sat up straight. "And you wouldn't have? You weren't the one getting tortured nearly every hour, you weren't the one getting beat, and you certainly weren't the one having a knife cut through your arm" She snarled as she stood.

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