Disneyland Pt 2 - [S]

Start from the beginning

"Alright, I'll see you in 15 minutes!" I reply to Steph, hanging up the phone. "Is Steph coming over?" Dom asks, and I nod. "Yep, she's bringing Tay, so enjoy babysitting those two!" I laugh, as Dom tries to stop himself from smirking.

"I will make sure no-one rushes into a telly corner again," Dom says, and I try and roll my eyes. I try to stop myself from giggling, that was what happened last time Rose went over for a playdate at Steph's.

She was fine, though.

Dom goes straight upstairs, and I am glad for the privacy. Ever since we went to Paris, my face has been heating up when I see him. My body seems to lose control of itself whenever he's there.

My body is thrown back to that bed in Paris, in the hotel.

His body weight was over mine, and he was protecting me. His arms, God I swear I have an obsession with his arms.

His arms were around me, and his arms were keeping me safe, they hadn't lost their grip around me, as he was holding me. His lips were near mine, and I swear that I wanted to kiss him, so badly. Everything was ruined, when he woke up.

He was slightly embarrassed, and in a way, it was slightly disheartening. Because, he's seen the absolutely worse of me. He's been my bodyguard and been in my life since Roes was only a couple of weeks old.

Of course since Rose's father isn't in the picture, he was always a support there that was there for me. Things like when I was breastfeeding with Rose. When she was only 2 and a half months old, I was out in public, and she started crying out for food.

She was hungry, and I was in a public shopping centre in London. I knew I just had to feed her. I told Dom so, and he got me to a near comfortable enough seat. And, he sat next to me, making sure that I was comfortable enough in my seat.

I slowly lowered my top, and took my nursing bra down on the one side, brought Rose to my chest, and started feeding. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I was worried that people were watching me, possibly judging me.

Thankfully, Dom was protective. He was stood close to me, and made sure that people were not being creepy or being rude, as I fed. There were a couple of older people who looked at me in disdain, and Dom just glared right at them.

It made me feel safe, as I managed to finish feeding, before continuing on for the night. There were so many things that were painful about new motherhood, and no-one warns you about it. When you're a single parent, living with a man, and it gets awkward.

Like, when it ends up with milk everywhere. I will not forget in a hurry how good Dom was with me, whenever I was stressed out with emotionally. When I was first nursing, of course there were leakages, and messes were made on my shirts.

I ended up, sitting on a chair, in front of the washing room in the kitchen, bursting into tears. Dom, hearing me, came into the kitchen, and as slightly odd it might've been for him, as this was definitely far more than he signed up for, being my guard.

He managed to calm me down, and he eventually making me calm down, and getting me to explain a resolution, and he put the laundry into the wash, before getting me to finally relax and calm down. I was so thankful for him, but he told me the opposite.

He kept telling me not to thank him, and that was the bare minimum that he could do for me. And, that was when I knew I was safe. The way Dom was so loving and protective of Rose too, made me feel so loved.

The way Dom took care of her. He would listen to her explain every movie all over again, no matter how many times she'd say it. He'd let her put her Princess crowns on her hand, and he'd love her to bits.

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