Chapter Two: Pop Quiz

Start from the beginning

"I-" Jungkook started, shaking his head. As if hearing him, the TA flicked his gaze up at Jungkook and locked on him for the smallest fracture of a second before breaking contact to address the rest of the room.

"Hey everyone, I'm glad it looks like everyone's here. I know late classes can be tough to make, but this class will be a thousand times more difficult with each discussion section you miss. My office hours are every Tuesday and Thursday at seven pm, so come stop by if you ever need any help. Lastly, you can call me Jimin. I'm a grad student here so there's no need to call me anything else."

The TA - Jimin - threw one more look Jungkook's way. Jungkook felt something electric run down his back. It'd been months since October, but Jungkook hadn't forgotten the way the boy's hands felt on his body. In that moment, it felt as if Jimin's fingers brushed down his spine.

"Let's get started." Jimin said, turning to grab some chalk and drawing a scale on the white board. He didn't look at Jungkook again for the rest of the discussion section.

* * *

"Alright guys, that's all I have for today. Next Friday you'll be taking your first quiz during the discussion section so please make sure to prepare for it. This course is cumulative so you don't fall behind. I'll see you all next week." Park Jimin said, wiping the music theory notes off of the white board. Taehyung sucked air through his teeth, his mind already trying to predict what classical sample they'd have to score by ear next week as all the students started to tiredly file out of the room.

"Tae hold on, I'm gonna go talk to the TA real quick before we leave."

Taehyung lifted his brows but nodded, leaning against the back wall as Jungkook ran up to the front desk.

Jimin was putting his laptop into a bookbag, packing up, when he noticed Jungkook standing in front of him. Jimin's dark eyes flicked over to Taehyung who was still in the room before looking back at Jungkook. Jimin reached for his tan coat, shrugging it on over his shoulders as he addressed Jungkook.

"What's your name? What can I help with?"

Jungkook felt something drop in his chest. He took a step forward, mind racing with what to do. Does he seriously not recognize me? Am I mistaking this guy for the Halloween vampire?

"Um," Jungkook started, "I'm Jeon Jungkook. It's nice to meet you."

Jimin raised his brows, smiling warmly. He looked so small and soft then. "I don't usually have students kiss ass this early in the semester, but it's nice to meet you."

Jungkook blushed and Taehyung coughed in the back of the room. "No I - I just wanted to talk to you. That's all."

"Oh?" Jimin said, his voice teasing. He looked over to the door then and Jungkook followed his gaze to find a pale shorter man leaning against the frame. His hair was thick and black, pulled half up in a bun while the rest curled near the nape of his neck. Jimin gave the man a nod, slinging his book bag over his shoulder.
"Come to my office hours on Tuesday if you need anything Jungkook. I'm sorry, but I have to run."

Jungkook could only nod, dumbfounded. He searched the lines of Jimin's face for any hint of recognition of the fire he'd seen in the boy's eyes on Halloween. But he only found polite kindness instead as Jimin gave a small dip of the chin and walked over to the pale man at the door. The stranger gave Jungkook a confused look before placing his arm on Jimin's lower back, leading him out of the room.

* * *

Jungkook took a deep breath before knocking on the door of the discussion section room Jimin was holding his office hours at. The weekend flew by, Taehyung frantically preparing for Seokjin's return to Seoul and Jungkook trying to catch up on the homework piled up from all his classes. It was finally Tuesday, which meant that Jungkook could scratch the itch in the back of his head all weekend - that low hum of Park Jimin.

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