Chapter One: Hallo-Weekend Frights

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"What's your name?" Jungkook yelled over the party crowd. Kim Taehyung, Jungkook's roommate and best friend, swatted at the plastic black Angel wings on Jungkook's back as he turned to talk with the hottest man he'd ever seen.

"Does it matter?" The stranger replied, his thick lashes flicking to Jungkook's lips. Jungkook immediately blushed. The thick golden liner on the boy's lids made his black eyes almost glow under club's overhead LED lights.

Taehyung's fake ID finally came in this week which meant Jungkook had a friend he could drag to the bars. He'd been itching to drink and dance all semester. Especially with finals coming up - his little freshman mind needed the outlet of a party now more than ever.

And what's a better time than Halloween? A college town's single most important, most celebrated, most culturally significant, holiday?

Everyone in the club was dressed up as something. College students drank the costumes in like wine, buzzing for months just to pretend to be someone else. Between the music and the lights and the alcohol, there wasn't room to be embarrassed.

Taehyung tore his shirt to go as a werewolf. Beautiful college girls surrounded them dressed as devils, space cowgirls, sexy spongebobs, surprisingly large amount of Vectors, and more.

And then finally there was him. The boy Jungkook couldn't stop staring at since they'd first entered the club. There was something otherworldly about him. His skin was pale like moonlight with hair so black Jungkook easily could mistake it for the night sky. Red coloring was sprayed throughout it, giving it dimension with each flicker of light. Then there was the little fact of his lips. They were red like a bleeding sun set with fake fangs piercing his bottom lip and they drove Jungkook absolutely wild.

Jungkook nearly shoved Taehyung out of the way when he first noticed the guy dancing with his friends so that Jungkook could get a better view of him. The fake vampire's outfit left little to the imagination. He wore skin tight black pants with holes ripped all over them and an equally tight black top that stopped right where two fake dots of a bite mark were drawn on his neck.

Somehow, in the hours they'd been there, Jungkook finally managed to bump into him. Music boomed around them, smoke from fog machines pooling at their feet as colorful lights flickered above. Jungkook was already three tequila shots in for the night thanks to Taehyung. The alcohol caused a fearless smile to spread across Jungkook's lips when the beautiful stranger's lilac cologne hit him with full force.

The fake vampire grinned, mischief dancing in his dark eyes. The flakes of gold makeup made it look like flames outlined his gaze.

"Fallen Angel?" The guy asked, nudging his chin to the wings on Jungkook's back.

Fuck, his voice. The sound of it was intoxicating - like honey and sweetness and sun. I'm gonna need another shot, he thought, hoping Taehyung could flirt another free one from the bartender for him.

"Do you bite?" Jungkook asked back, smirking at the little eyeliner dots on the pale boy's neck.

"I can." The vampire said, finally pushing through the group of people that had been dancing between them. Taehyung gave Jungkook a small pat on the back, starting to shimmy away into the crowd. Jungkook could physically see his friend holding back the thumbs up he so desperately wanted to give. Instead, he just tata-miced a nod and started dancing with some other boy behind them.

Jungkook swallowed, unsure what to do now that the boy was so close to him. He blinked, surprised that Jungkook was a good head taller than him and yet he felt so nervous you'd think the stranger was towering over Jungkook instead.

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