Chapter 7: The truth comes out

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Dean's POV: Y/n and I are working on our assignment. I fingered her in the library, she told me why she didn't like it and I feel bad now. Oh crap there's Crowley.

Crowley: Hello Dean. Y/n.
You: Hi Crowley.
Crowley: How's the assignment?
Dean: Good. Shouldn't you be in class?
Crowley: I should be, but I came to check on my friend and his girlfriend.
Dean: We're fine Crowley.
Crowley: So y/n, what made you want Dean Winchester?
You: Well, we were assigned as science partners and then he kissed me.
Crowley: Oh really? Dean Winchester kissing the nerd and not a popular girl? My, my.
Dean: shut it Crowley.
Crowley: Y/n, there's something you must know.
You: What?

Before Crowley could speak, Dean spoke up.

Dean: Crowley is a bit jealous because I've got the most beautiful girl in the school.
Crowley: Yeah, that's it. Now, I'm off to history.
Dean: Bye Crowley.
You: See you around Crowley.

You were at your locker, then Adam pushes you against it.
You: Adam?
Adam: Y/n, I've got to tell you something.
You: What?

Dean sees Adam talking to you.
Dean then pushes Adam off of you.
Dean: Was he bothering you?
You: No.
Adam: She's gonna find out Dean.
You: Find out what?
Dean: Nothing.
Adam: You can't keep playing this stupid trick Dean!
You: Trick?
Adam: Yeah.
Dean: Adam shut up.
You: Adam?
Adam: Dean and Crowley decided to play a trick on you. Dean was pretending to like you and then he was gonna make the whole school laugh at you for falling for him.
You then grab your bag.
You: Thanks Adam.
Dean: Y/n, he's lying, don't believe him.
You look at Adam and Dean. Cas then comes.
Cas: Y/n, Adam is telling the truth.
Dean: Cas, what the hell?
You: I can't believe I fell for you. Thank you Adam, Cas. At least they didn't hurt me.
Dean: Y/n.
You: Don't ever talk to me again Dean Winchester, you're dead to me.

You then close your locker door and you walk away.

Dean: I hope you're both happy.
Cas: Dean, she didn't do anything to you and yet you decided to play that cruel trick on her.
Adam: I was of you hurting her.

You walk past Sam.
Sam: Hey Y/n.
You: Hey Sam.
Sam: What's wrong?
You: You're brother Dean, is nothing but a jerk!
Sam: What did he do?
You: He played a trick on me, he was pretending to like me and I fell for it.
You then started crying and Sam hugs you.
Sam: I'll take you home okay y/n.
You: Thanks Sam.

Sam then puts his arm around your shoulder and you both walk out of the school.

Sam: I'm going to kill my brother.
You giggle.
Sam: You have a pretty smile y/n. *smiles*
You: thanks Sam. I have a question.
Sam: Shoot.
You: How are you and Dean related? I mean you're a sweet heart and Dean, he's lucifer.
Sam: I've been asking that my whole life.

You and Sam arrive to your house.
You: Do you want to come in Sam?
Sam: Sure.
You and Sam go inside your house. You both sit on the couch and you both talk.

Sam: Y/n, I'm so sorry for my brother.
You: It's fine.
Sam: I had no idea he was planning it. honest.
You: I can't believe I fell for him. Plus your brother is a pig.
Sam: What did he do?
You: He fingered me in the library.
Sam: okay, now he's dead.
You giggle.

You and Sam were talking, you were both laughing, then Sam kissed you.

Sam: sorry y/n.
You: it's okay Sam. *smiles*
Sam then cups your cheeks and you lay on the couch. Sam was hovering over you.
Sam places his hands on your hips and your arms were wrapped around his neck.

You both pull away.
Sam: y/n?
You: Yeah?
Sam: Let's come up with a trick of our own.
You: What?
Sam: I'll Cas and we can come up with one.
You: Okay.

You and Sam sit up, Sam calls Cas and Cas comes over.

Cas: So what's going on?
Sam: We're going to play a trick on Dean.

Cas: What's the trick?

You: I'm gonna dye my hair and wear contacts and be a "new student". I'll pretend I'm from another country.

Cas: Which country?

You: *does a fake British accent* I'm from London, England.

Cas and Sam smile.

You: *does your normal voice* so, when do we start?

Sam: We can get your hair and everything ready. Lets go shopping for the lovely...

You: *does a fake British accent* My name is Eliza. I was born and raised in London, England. I enjoy reading, drawing and writing.

Sam and Cas smile.

Sam: All right Eliza, are you ready to break Dean Winchester's heart?

You: *does a fake a British accent* Whose Dean Winchester? *smirks*

Cas: Oh,this is going to be fun.

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