"So, Joon headed to the fire station and collected all your belongings that they could salvage. He's got them back at our dorms waiting for you." He blinked a few times before continuing as though he needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

"He also contacted the University to arrange your new apartment. They said it won't take long, but he wants you to come and stay with us in the dorms until it's ready."

I felt like I still wasn't processing what was being said. "What? Are you serious? He did all that... for me..."

"Yeah." Yoongi licked at his chapped bottom lip.

"But... Ah.. about staying with you.." The thought of it made me unsure.

"What about that?" Jimin finally asked, snuggling into me. Could I really do that?

"Um.. There's.. Severn of you.." I hesitantly mumbled.

"It's okay. We can make room for you. Don't worry your pretty little head." Jimin sighed sweetly.

"I mean.." could I really say there were seven of you guys and one girl and I was nervous about being accidentally walked in while changing or showering or any of those things?! Ugh.

"It's really not a bother. We'd prefer you stay close to us, to be honest. That way, we can protect you better. If you're worried it's a burden or something, it really isn't." Yoongi elaborated.

They really didn't get it, did they? I felt myself give up on fighting it. It would not be for long, right? I'll just have to be extra careful for a little while, but I can get through it. Besides, what are my other options?

But there's that word again... Protect me. From what? Maybe if I was closer to them, I could find out more. If anything, taking this chance to try and learn more wasn't a bad idea.

"Okay, I'll stay with you guys... Thankyou..."

The three of us collected our things and got ready to leave the studio. We all seemed to still be a little slow and sleepy. Jimin caught his yawn in his hand as he sat at the edge of the bed. Yoongi was trying to figure out what to pack to take with him back to the dorms. Once he had, Jimin and I helped him fold the couch back and fold the sheets and blankets.

I glanced around to check one more time that everything was tidy before Yoongi locked up his studio. Jimin snuck his hand into mine and held it before we all made our way down to the car park. Yoongi was the one to drive while Jimin and I sat in the back. We spoke little, seeing as we were still sleepy and hadn't woken up fully.

Jimin lazily slumped his head and rested it on my shoulder as the soft revs of the engine sounded. Soon enough, we pulled up into the driveway of the dorm. There was a big black van parked in the other space beside us.

Before Jimin could even help me out of the car fully, I saw Jin racing out the front door and over to us. I was stunned in place as he rushed over without a word and embraced me.

Yoongi and Jimin stood there for a moment, watching as he just held me. I slowly raise my arms and wrap them around his midsection, hugging him back.

"Jin, it's okay..." Even though he hadn't said anything, I could feel how worried he was just by the way he held me.

"I know. You're a strong little force to be reckoned with. I just, I still worry about you," Jin finally said, pulling away and holding me at shoulder length as he looked at me. I could tell he was putting on a brave face, but his words rang true.

"On the upside, I get to spend more time with you" I cracked a faint smile, trying to find some kind of bright side to all of this tragedy. Jin snorted.

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