Disneyland [F]

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Y/N is very pretty, I don't think many people could deny it. Every part about her, down the way she carried herself attracted male attention. Sometimes it would end up with some gross men.

They'd literally buy her books in the bookstore, go immediately into the line, and then spend the whole time she was writing and signing the book, they'd be flirting with her and try to get her to go out as she was in town.

That was when I came into play. I would stand straight behind her, and be looking at them as angrily as I possibly could, until they left, and could take a step back. Of course that wasn't all that I had to do.

I also had to make sure that Y/N was okay whenever she went out in public, with Rose. Because Rose was so small, she would get scared. So, my job was to make sure she had personal space, and get paparazzi away from her.

Y/N was, since she started writing romance novels, always had a sense of celebrity air about her. The way she promoted her social media, as well as the way she spoke in interviews, it always made her stand out a bit.

Her being attractive as well, definitely added to her more of a "celebrity" trait about her. And that was sadly the reason for some of the more disgusting male attention she managed to garner.

Thankfully, as Rose got older, though she is only still five years old to this day, she has gotten more used to the cameras. She thinks they're quite fun, and she treats it like it's her own personal TV show.

But, they do of course put her in absolutely dangerous situations. Especially when crowds of fans and people were swarming Y/N, it would be far too easy for Y/N and Rose to get seperated. So, I would immediately scoop her up and make sure she was safe, and got back to her mum safe.

That also lead her to get very emotionally attached to me. She would run to me whenever she was scared of anything, because she had figured out that it was, quite literally, my job to protect her from danger.

Scary TV character, she would rush to me. Spider in the bathroom or her room that was freaking her out, she'd go make me go get it out. If she was convinced there was a ghost in her room, she'd make me go "deal with them" or get rid of them.

And, the reason we were going to Disneyland, was because of Y/N's previously mentioned book signing. She's been doing a tour around, and we're in Paris at the moment.

So, she's decided to take three days in Paris as well as two a  

I'd do as she asked, thought it did feel that sometimes she would definitely milk it sometimes. But I can't blame her for it.

"Rose, it's 5am in the morning. How did you even get into my hotel room?" I ask, as I sit up in bed. "I took the card!" She sung, as she pulled out the black key card that was connected to our rooms.

We had copy of the keys together, I had one of hers and she had mine. The intention of that was not have a five year old waltzing into my room in the early hours of the morning excited for her day trip.

"Jesus," I said, as I sat up as I grabbed the key card from her. I quickly grabbed her hand, got out of bed, which was not my ideal idea, as I grabbed my own keycard, and opened my hotel room door, and went to Y/N's hotel room door.

I opened the door with the keycard, and Y/N was still asleep. "Get back in your bed," I silently whispered for her ear, and she was giggling. Her giggling clearly woke up, as Y/N sat up in bed. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Rose took your keycard, and decided to take herself into my room because she's all dressed for Disneyland," I chuckled, as I finished tucking Rose into bed. "Rose, go back to sleep for a few hours," Y/N said, as I put her keycard back on the coffee table.

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