Chapter 44

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A week later.....
I walked downstairs and mom said,
"Good morning! How did you sleep?"
I smiled at her and said,
"Pretty good actually.....I didn't have any nightmares tonight!"
Dad smiled at me and said,
"That's great news! Where's your brother? Is he still sleeping?"
"Yep I'm not surprised though....we were sparing pretty much all day yesterday!"
"That's true. Could you wake your brother up? We have some important news to tell you two!"
"Ooooo what is it then?"
"I would rather explain it to both of you at the same time. I don't exactly like telling things two times after all!"
"That makes sense! I'll wake him up then!"
I chuckled evilly and said,
"As you know I love waking him up! It's always fun to jump on him!"
Dad then said,
"I know and that's why I will let you wake him up! It's always funny to hear him scream in surprise!"
"I know right! It's always fun teasing him afterwards too!"
Mom then said,
"Don't be to hard on him..."
"No promises!"
Mom sighed and said,
"Well at least I tried to stop you! I completely forgot how you wake your brother up...I would never have asked you if that was the case!"
I chuckled and said,
"Well it's to late now!"
"Also Xalvador I'm disappointed in you for egging her on about this!"
Dad chuckled and said,
"What should I say...I like being mischievous sometimes!"
Mom groaned and said,
"I wonder why I married you sometimes...."
"Because you love me!"
"How the heck did that happen?!"
"No tell me!"
Mom groaned and said,
"Well we are getting sidetracked, wake up Quinn!"
I chuckled and said,
"I feel like you are changing the subject but I'm to curious to see what you need to tell us! Be right back!"
I ran up the stairs and opened his door quietly to not wake him up and jumped on him. He sat up suddenly and I jumped off before he could hit me. He looked over and saw me and yelled at me,
I chuckled and said,
"Well mom said she had something important to tell us and I had to wake you up."
"You could have shook me or said my name and I would have easily woken up!"
"But that's no fun..."
My brother groaned and said,
"Of course you would say that...I'm up, let's go down then! I'm curious what she has to tell us. I hope it's nothing bad!"
"I don't think it is...they looked pretty happy when I went downstairs!"
"Well I guess that makes me feel better..."
"Come on then!"
I then ran out of the room and quickly went down the stairs.
A few minutes later....
I finally heard my brother walk down the stairs and I said,
"What took you so long?"
My brother groaned and said,
"I had to get dressed! It's only been a few minutes! Also who the heck thought it was a good idea to get Flameheart to wake me up?!"
Mom chuckled nervously and said,
"I'm sorry son...I completely forgot how your sister likes waking you up! You know I would never wake you up like that..."
My brother sighed and said,
"I know you would never do that to me. As long as you didn't do that on purpose I'm not to mad at you....."
Dad chuckled and said,
"Well hearing you yell was pretty funny though!"
My brother glared at him and said,
"Of course you would say that! So since I'm down here and you decided to get Flameheart to wake me up from a pretty good dream, what did you want to tell us? It better be important or I'll be mad you woke me up!"
Dad then said,
"Don't worry it's pretty important! You see we got an important letter from the mail! He reached in the bag next to him and brought out a letter with a royal seal on it!"
I then said,
"Wow I'm surprised the King actually did it but let's see if he put down what actually happened..."
Dad handed it to me and I opened it carefully so I wouldn't rip it. It would be bad if someone saw a rip on a letter from the King if my dad reads this in front of everyone. I took out the paper and read it.
I have very important news! My vampire guards found something while traveling! It was a diary of the girl who died in the book Why You Should Treat Everyone the Same. It turns out a few things in that book were fabricated! The elder in that book was NOT a good person! He banished the werewolf with silver hair and her husband not because he was forced to but because he agreed with them! Then the elder had the audacity to lie about how the girl died!! The real way she died was pretty dark but the girl dying from the same sickness that her parents had was also pretty dark! Think of what you would do if your whole family died? When reading the diary it said something about her sister's last breaths. She told her to take care of her parents! It said that it felt like a part of her soul broke and she wrote about how devastated she was that her only playmate and sister died! She wrote the only reason she stayed around was because of the promise she had to her sister. She wrote when her parents died her purpose of being there was gone. She wrote how much she hated the elder and would never forgive him for what he has done! She also wrote how she would kill him herself if her parents in their last deaths told her not to kill them! She then wrote that she was going to kill herself pretty soon. I'm guessing she killed herself and the elder found the body and read the diary. He probably buried it where he found it. He didn't anyone to actually find out what happened. The only reason my guards found it was because the rain and the change around it brought it up to the surface. But I guess he finally saw the error of his ways because he wrote a book about it. But after finding out what really happened it made me so mad! So ummm because I was so furious I might have ripped the dairy in two and since it was pretty old the pages crumbled apart....I would have shown the dairy to everyone but now I can't....I just wanted to share what I found because I bet the girl who wrote the diary would have wanted people to actually know what happened to her. I bet she would be furious that the elder lied about him being the good guy when it was mostly his fault her family died! I'm glad this finally came out in the open and I hope everyone has a good day!
~The Vampire King
I smiled and started to cry not because I was sad but because I was so happy. I then said,
"He actually did it...I'm so happy...."
I saw my family smile at me and then they ran over and hugged me! I hugged them back and said,
"Thanks so much for being here with me!"
Mom then said,
"Of course!"

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