Chapter 1

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~~~~~~~~~~FIRST LIFE~~~~~~~~~~

I looked around and I saw everything was pitch black. I tried moving around but there was a wall around me! I felt around some more and it seemed to me that I was in an oval-shaped thing! Where am I?! Wait, who am I?! I don't remember!!! WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER?! I wonder what I am. Wait, why did I think that?! I'm human right? Are there any other creatures that aren't human?! I'm so confused!!! I wonder if this oval-shaped thing is an egg! Huh?! How did I know that? Why do I keep saying these things when I don't remember anything!? Maybe I remember some things but I don't even know I do? That's really weird though! I don't even remember who I am!!! I wonder what I look like! I have no idea! I felt my face and my head. Well I guess I am human! I don't have any fur! Wait!!! Fur why would I think that? Maybe there are other creatures other than humans but I don't remember? That's what makes the most sense! That's why I keep thinking about those things! But I'm confused though. Humans don't hatch from an egg. Some other things do like a bird but I'm not one! I don't feel any feathers on me! Wait! How do I know that?! UGGGG THIS IS SO CONFUSING?! WHY DO I THINK THOSE THINGS WHEN I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY MEMORIES?! I sighed and started to bang on the edges of where I was trapped. I could tell nothing was happening because I felt where I was hitting but I didn't fell any changes! That won't stop me from trying again! I kept hitting the sides for what seemed like hours until my hand started to hurt! While I am hitting the sides of the egg my eyes adjusted to the darkness so when I looked down to see why my hands were hurting! I could tell my hands were bleeding! That makes sense any normal person would be bleeding from hitting something over and over again! I sighed. Another thing I shouldn't know but I do. I'm starting to get used to it by this point but it's still weird! Then I saw something that doesn't normally happen! Flames appeared around my wounds and my hands started to heal! I'M POSITIVE THAT'S NOT NORMAL!!! WHAT THE HECK AM I?! I took deep breaths to calm myself down. Well I'll figure that out later. I shouldn't worry about it too much! I should concentrate on getting out instead! What should I do though?! I've been banging on the walls for hours and nothing happened! I have nothing on me including clothes! Wait! What the heck are clothes?! Maybe it has something to do with coving myself up? I am naked and people should have something on to keep warm right? Wait! There is no warmth in here but why aren't I cold?! UGGGG WHAT AM I?! I groaned. Well I shouldn't think about it to much. Maybe I'll find out later but for now I should be thinking of what I should do next!! Do I just wait and see what happens? It's not like I have anything on me that can help me get out of here. Even hitting it for what seems like hours didn't do anything!!! Maybe someone will save me? I have no idea where I am though and if anyone knows that I'm here! But it's not like I have any other option than to hope someone saves me! Maybe I should just go to sleep while I wait. It's not like I have anything else to do. I don't have anything on me to play with. I curled up in a ball and drifted off to sleep. I sat up suddenly and looked around. WHERE AM I?! Then as I started to wake up more and remembered what happened. I sighed. I wonder how long it has been since I fell asleep. I can't really tell because everything still looks black! I hope someone comes soon or I might get bored really quick! There is nothing to do here other than sleep. I don't think I can go back to sleep though because I feel wide awake.
A couple hours later....
UGGGGG I'M PRETTY SURE IT'S BEEN A COUPLE HOURS AND STILL NO ONE HAS CAME! I'M SO BORED! As I was about to hit the side of the wall again I heard voices! I heard a woman's voice say,
"Are you sure you saw something? Did you get enough sleep? We have been walking for hours and still don't see anything!"
The man then said,
"I'm positive I saw something! I told you I saw a beam of red light while I was hunting! It was pretty far away but it was pretty bright and that's why I saw it!"
The women groaned and said,
"If we don't find something soon we should go back! We left our daughter back home because I didn't think this would take to long!"
"She will be fine. She's pretty smart for a five year old and we locked the door of the house. She knows if anything bad happens to go down to the basement! We made sure that place was well protected!"
The women sighed and said,
"Yes that is true but I'm still worried about her!"
"Fine if we don't see anything in a couple minutes we can go back."
"Okay. Thanks for actually listening to me for once!"
Please see me so I can get out somehow!
As I heard them getting even closer I heard the man say in a shocked voice,
"It's clearly a red and orange egg surrounded by a lot of fire."
I guess this explains why it's pitch black here and it feels like I am in an oval! I was right, I am in an egg!
"Well, aren't there a lot of creatures that have eggs?"
The man look a deep breath and said,
"Yes that's true but all the books I've read there haven't been any eggs like this!!!"
"Really couldn't it be a dragon egg? Dragon eggs are this big right?"
"That's true but if it was a dragon's egg then the mother would be around! Dragons never leave their nests or their babies alone! Also no dragon egg shoots a beam of light when dragons do lay an egg!"
"That's true. Could it be a fairy egg?"
The man groaned and said,
"Of course it isn't! It's way to big to be a fairy egg!"
"That's true but I'm just throwing out guesses! What about a demon egg?"
The man sighed and said,
"Demons don't even come from eggs!"
Well that answers the question that there is other creatures!
"Our daughter isn't even here! You know how I get when I'm confused! I tend to say curse words!"
"I know but there is an egg here! The baby might have heard it!"
The women sighed and said,
"The baby probably doesn't even understand what we are even saying and it's in an egg. I doubt she or he can even hear me!"
"I know but you never know! We don't even know what it is! It could understand us!"
"With all the books we read about creatures, have any of them said that babies can understand language?"
"Well I guess not. You're right I don't know what I was thinking!"
The women laughed and said,
"Well we all have those stupid moments!"
Well actually the woman is right. I can understand everything they are saying! Well I guess I shouldn't use that word. It seems like it's a bad word children shouldn't even know! Hmmmm I wonder if I can even talk.....well I don't think they can hear me in this egg anyways but maybe when I get out I can try! The man then said,
"What should we do with it? Should we leave it here? Maybe the mother is around here!"
The women then said,
"I think we should take it with us."
"Do you think it's a good idea though? It's so big and you never know the mother could be around here!"
"We can't just leave it here, what if the mother won't come back? We also don't even know what it is! Maybe the mother left it here for a reason! Also there was a beam of light right?"
"Yes but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Maybe that happened because other people would notice it and take it with them!"
"That might be true but it's so big! Can we even carry it?! We also don't even know how to take care of it!"
"So are we going to leave it here to die? Doesn't it need food and water? Also it might need protection even if it hatches by itself! It's just a baby after all! Also even if it's so big we both can carry it!"
The man sighed and said,
"Okay fine. We can take it home! I don't want a baby to die because we didn't help it!"
"Also our daughter will be happy to have someone to play with!"
"That's true. Let's take it then. Make sure not to step in the fire though! It will be bad if we get burned!!"
"That's true. We should be careful!"
Then I heard them walk towards me! YESSSSS I FINALLY CAN GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!

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