Chapter 5

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Four days later...
UGGGG I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT I WOULD HATCH BY NOW!!!!! IT'S BEEN AWHILE SINCE SILVER STARTED TO TALK TO ME!!!! I took a deep breath. I need to calm down! Freaking out won't solve anything! Well at least I found out the woman's name is Thea! How long will this take for me to get out of here?! A week?! Or even more?! I can't stand this! Well I guess at least I'm not alone waiting. Listening to other people talk is way more interesting then only having my thoughts! It also helps that Silver comes to talk to me. I was surprised that she still does when her parents always tells her what she's doing is stupid! If I did have parents and if my parents said that it would upset me enough to stop what I was doing! Silver is such a nice and kind girl! I wish those other pups gave her a chance instead of calling her a freak for what she looks like! Well at least she has me to talk to. Well once I hatch I can talk to you! I'M REALLY HOPING IT WILL HAPPEN SOON!!!! I groaned. THINK POSITIVE! BUT WHAT IS POSITIVE ABOUT THIS SITUATION I AM IN THOUGH!? I thought for a second and then remembered something! Well I guess the one good thing that happened at least is that the color inside the egg changed to red instead of always being black! Maybe it has something to do with the egg always being in fire? One thing I'm curious about is that they always complain about how much the fire goes out quickly. It should last longer than ten minutes or even more if it's a good fire but instead it takes around five minutes! Silver did notice something though and I think that's the reason why it's happening. It's just a guess though! She told her parents how it seems the egg sucks in the fire into itself. Her parents didn't believe her though but I do! It's probably the reason why the fire goes out so quickly and why the inside of the egg is red! Before I could think of something else I heard someone walk towards me. I guessed it was Silver because her footsteps are way quieter than her parents! She is the reason I know it's the next day because she always comes to at least talk to me once each day! Silver then said,
"Hi Red. How are you today?"
I'm extremely bored. What about you?
"I wish I could tell what you're saying but I can't really hear you so I'll assume that you're doing good."
Well I guess you're kinda right. I am good, just really bored!
"I'm guessing that you asked how I was doing."
Yep you're actually right!
"Well I'm doing good I guess. I wish you would hatch already! I want to talk to you face to face."
I really want to too! UGGGGG WHY WON'T I HATCH?! I paused and looked around and noticed the red inside the egg increase in brightness! THAT'S SO WEIRD WHY IS THAT HAPPENING?!
Silver sighed and said,
"To be honest, even with my parents here I feel so lonely! I want to play with pups my age but I can't because they think I'm cursed for some reason!"
Oh....I didn't know Silver felt like that. Is that why she always talks to me all the time?! She thinks her parents don't get what she's going through!!! Did she tell her parents about this? This seems like something you shouldn't keep to yourself!
I heard Silver sigh again and she said,
"I was planning to tell my parents how I feel but I'm scared to! I know my parents care about me but I just don't want to worry them!"
You should tell them! You are just a kid and feeling sad about something like this alone is bad for you!
I heard her start to cry and she continued to say,
"I wonder what you are thinking right now. I really wish I could hear you. Maybe you would know what to do!"
Then she paused and continued to say,
"What am I thinking? How would she be able to help me when she's just a baby! I am starting to wonder if you can even understand me right now. Maybe my parents are right but they could be wrong!"
Don't doubt yourself! You are right, I can understand you! UGGGGG I WISH I WAS OUT OF THIS EGG TO TELL YOU THIS!!!
But then the brightness of the red increased even more and I heard something that I hoped to hear for so long!!! I heard a cracking noise! Wait...DOES THAT MEAN I'M FINALLY ABOUT TO HATCH?!
Then I heard Silver take deep breaths and she yelled,
Then I heard her parents run out the door and I heard the door slam behind them. I could hear them run towards me and when they were next to Silver. Thea then said,
"Yep you're right! It's going to hatch soon! There is a huge crack on the egg! But that doesn't mean it will hatch right away. Some eggs still take a while to hatch even if a crack appears!"
That's true but I'll bang my hands against it to make me get out of here quickly! I started to bang on the sides of the egg again and this time I could tell it did something! I heard more cracking sounds! Jarin then said,
"There are even more cracks in the egg. I think it's going to hatch sooner than expected!!!!"
I banged on the walls of the egg again and again and I heard even more cracking noises! Then as I hit the sides one more time hoping it would be the last time I would have to do it, the egg finally broke open!!! Thea then paused and said,
I saw them rush towards me to take me out the fire but it was too late! I then saw fire engulf me!

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