Chapter 34

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I then said,
"So what should we do now?"
I have no idea what a group of people do for fun....
My brother then said,
"We could play hide and seek!"
"Umm how do you play that?"
" don't know how to play?!"
"No...I'm a baby, why would I know?"
"You know how to talk and you know advanced words that a baby shouldn't know BUT you have no idea what that game is?!"
Of course I don't. I only had my sister to play games with me when she was alive. Even if we played those games we wouldn't know because no one could tell us what those games are called!
"You are really weird!"
"I think being supernatural that Asher doesn't even know what I am is way more weird!"
My brother glared at me and said,
"You know what I mean!"
I chuckled and said,
"Yep I just like teasing you!"
My brother sighed and said,
"Do you at least know what tag is?"
"You don't even know what that is either....."
"Well then, tell me what those games are!"
Alisa then said,
"Oooo can I explain it?!"
My brother then said,
"How you play tag is when someone is "it" and whoever that person is they chase everyone. When that person catches someone they say tag your it and then that person who got caught has to get the other people!"
Ohhhh me and my sister played that game but we called it wolf and rabbit. We pretended we were either the wolf or the rabbit. The wolf was it and the rabbit had to run away.
"Oh, it seems easy enough to play. How do you play hide and seek then?"
Alisa then said,
"It's also a pretty simple game. The person who is the seeker closes their eyes and counts to a curtain number while everyone hides. Once they get to that number they say "ready or not here I come" and they come to find the other hiders. Once the seeker finds a hider they become a seeker too and help the other seeker to find the rest of the hiders."
"Oh okay. Seems also pretty easy to play. I'm excited to play it!"
Me and my sister played that but we didn't really call it anything. When we wanted to play that game I would say "you go hide while I'll try to find you!"
I then asked,
"Do we have a time limit of how long the hiders hide?"
Alisa chuckled and said,
"We used to have no time limit but after we spent pretty much the whole day trying to find Quinn we put a time limit of twenty minutes."
My brother laughed and said,
"I'm a pro at hiding. It would always take them a very long time to find me."
Simon sighed and said,
"He's the reason we don't have a time limit because it always takes us forever to find him."
"Yep. All of you would force me to be the seeker most of the time because of it!"
I laughed and said,
"Well how do I play when I can't really walk yet?"
Caspian then said,
"We could play as bats. We sometimes would do that anyway. The only problem is that we can't really talk to each other. The seeker has to stay out of the form to yell out, ready or not here I come though. After they say that then they turn into a bat and then try to find us!"
"Okay. That sounds like a good idea! So who's going to be the seeker first?"
My brother sighed and said,
"I guess I will. I know everyone will force me anyways."
I then asked,
"How far can we go to hide though?"
"Oh I almost forgot to tell you that! That would be bad! We usually hide around our houses and a couple feet into the woods."
"Okay. Sounds good!
"I'll count to sixty then."
I nodded my head and my brother started counting. I saw everyone quickly shapeshift into bats and flew in all different directions.
A few minutes later....
I hope no one has hid in this trunk of this tree before. Then I would get found pretty quickly.
Twenty minutes later....
I hear Simon yell out,
"Come out Flameheart! It's been twenty minutes."
I made sure no one was looking so I could use this spot again if we play again. I flew out quickly and I flew the opposite direction so they wouldn't know what direction I came from. I made sure to hide behind trees as I flew. When I was to the left of them instead of the right I flew towards them. When Quinn saw me he said,
"What took you so long to get here?"
I can't really tell them I was taking pretty long so I could trick them where my hiding spot was. Hmmmmm what do I say?
Then I thought up an idea and said,
"I was pretty far away so it took me a while to get here."
I was actually pretty close but if they think I was father they would look there.
Alisa said,
"Where did you hide? We couldn't find you anywhere!"
"I'm not going to tell you! I want to use it next time!"
Caspian then said,
"It's a rule that you can't hide in the same place after you hid there already."
I flashed a smile at him and said,
"How would you know if I used it before if you couldn't find me in the first place?"
"Gosh dang it! You are to smart for a baby!"
I laughed and said,
"I thought you would find me....that's not even one of the best hiding places!"
"There are better spots than that one?!"
"Oh no....we have another good hider! We already had to deal with Quinn, now we have to deal with his sister too!"
My brother laughed and asked me,
"How do you know these hiding spots if you never played before?"
Oh....I can't really tell them that I thought the villagers would react badly to me so I tried to find good hiding spots for me to hide from them! But what the heck do I say?!

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