Chapter 35

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I thought for a second and got an idea. I then said,
"I was bored so I decided to fly around to see what was around the village and along the way I guess I found good hiding spots."
I was going to say I was looking for good hiding spots if we played hide and seek. But that wouldn't make sense because I had no idea what that game was until today.
My brother then said,
"That makes sense. I would fly around the village too when I was bored."
Simon then said,
"I think that makes no sense actually. If she was just flying around there was no way she could find such good hiding spots!"
"Oh that's true. Why would my sister lie though?"
They looked at me and I said,
"I didn't want to say the real reason because it was disrespectful...."
Simon then said,
"I think I know. I bet she was scared that the other villagers wouldn't like her. She then looked for good hiding spots to hide if they tried to hurt her!"
"How are you so smart?"
"I am the oldest one here. I think it was pretty easy to guess why she would think that."
Caspian then said,
"But how did you know?"
"Well, think about what you would do if you woke up around people you didn't really know. You would be confused and scared right?"
"Well yes I guess. To be honest I would be pretty scared...."
"And what would you do if you were scared?"
"Ummmm I would either run or hide...Ohhhh I get it now!"
My brother then said,
"Oh that makes sense! It's not disrespectful at all! It's a totally normal reaction! Anyone would have acted like you did!"
I smiled at them and said,
"Thanks for saying makes me feel a little better about it!"
Well he's kinda right....I was scared but not because of new people. I was thinking that they would act the same as the other werewolves did in my first life! I'm really glad they didn't though....I'm really happy that everyone is fine with me being different. If only the other werewolves were like this to my old family then they probably would still be alive! I shook my head. I shouldn't think like that! My other family wouldn't want me to feel sad for them, they would want me to stay happy about my new life!
My brother then said,
"What's wrong? You look sad!"
Oh crap he noticed! What do the fuck do I say?!
I then said,
"I don't know. I felt sad all of a sudden...maybe it has to do with me being different?"
That's actually not a lie but not the whole truth....
"Hmmm that's weird. Well if you find out why tell me right away!"
"Okay I will."
I already know but I can't tell you...I'm sorry!
Alisa then said,
"Well there is one good thing about this, you know all the good hiding spots!"
I chuckled and said,
"That's true...I'm glad my hard work paid off!"
Everyone laughed. My brother then said,
"Should we play a different game or should we still play hide and seek? What do you want to do, Flameheart?"
"Why do I get to pick?"
"Well it is your first time playing with's only fair that you get to choose!"
"That's true. I want to play hide and seek again."
"Okay I'm fine with that. Is everyone up for another round?"
Alisa then said,
"Sure I'm up for it!"
Caspian then said,
"I'm totally fine with playing again. It is my favorite game to play after all!"
Simon then said,
"That's fine with me but Flameheart do you want to be the seeker this time? This is your second time playing and you were a hider the first time."
"Well sure. Being the seeker seems pretty fun too! I'll start counting."
Six minutes later....
My brother then said,
"How did you find us so fast?!"
I then said,
"Well I do know all the good hiding spots. After I found Simon, Caspian and Alisa I told them I wanted to find you myself without help. Then since I knew you are such a good hider I guessed you would be in a pretty good hiding place. I knew all the good hiding places so I decided to look at all the good places to hide and I easily found you!"
Simon then said,
"Wait....don't tell me, you said you wanted to find Quinn yourself so we wouldn't see all the good hiding places!"
I chuckled and said,
"Oops you figured me out!"
Simon groaned and said,
"Well it's to late now!"
"Well it wouldn't be a fun game anymore if you knew all the good hiding spots!"
Simon sighed and said,
"I guess that's true."
Alisa then said,
"Can we do a couple more rounds? I still want to play hide and seek."
I then said,
"I'm totally fine with that!"
"Sure but I'll be the seeker this time. Flameheart finds us to fast and I don't want Quinn to keep being the seeker. That's not far to him!"
My brother then said,
"It is pretty boring to be the seeker all the time."
One hour later.....
Simon then said to me,
"Ha I finally found your hiding spot!"
My brother chuckled and said,
"Yep, it only took five rounds to finally find her good job!"
Simon glared at him and everyone else laughed. Alisa looked up and said,
"We should get back home...I bet our parents will be worried about us even if we can see in the dark."
Caspian then said,
"Yep. I also just feel like reading right now too."
Simon then said,
"We should get going. Alisa is right, our parents always overreact if we stay out to long!"
My brother then said,
"Okay we will see you later then!"
I then said,
"Bye! It was fun playing with all of you!"
This was more fun than I thought it would be. I'm really glad everyone here is so nice!

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