Chapter 17

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5 years later....
I groaned. My sister then asked me,
"What's wrong?"
"We still haven't figured out what the heck I am! I wish I knew!!!!"
My sister sighed and said,
"How many times do we have to tell you that it doesn't matter what you are, you are still part of the family!"
"I know but I myself want to know! I would feel more normal if I knew what I am. I know none of you care what I am but I do! It's frustrating not knowing what you are!"
"Well I would be too if I were in your shoes but it's not like we can do anything about it! We searched through all the books we could find and didn't find anything! I think the best thing you can do is not to worry about it! It's upsetting you and that's not good! Maybe you will remember something eventually and figure out what you are!"
"Maybe. You're right, I shouldn't think about it! It's not helping me feel any better after all!"
My sister flashed a smile at me and said,
"Maybe you're a fire wolf!"
I rolled my eyes and said,
"I know you're just joking with me! There is no such thing as a fire wolf!"
My sister laughed and said,
"Darn it! You figured me out!"
I laughed and said,
"You said that to make me feel better didn't you?"
"You know me so well!"
I smiled at her and said,
"You're the best sister ever!"
"I agree! I love my adorable little sister!"
I groaned and said,
"Stop embarrassing me!"
"I love doing that though!"
I rolled my eyes and said,
"Why are we in our wolf forms again? We don't need to be. We are just talking!"
"I like being in my wolf form! It feels like I'm more attuned  to nature! Don't you like being in your wolf form?"
"I guess. It makes me forget that I still have fur even when I'm in my human form!"
"Why don't you like having fur? Aren't you used to it already? It's been five years!"
"Well I guess I kinda am. But it's just whenever I see my reflection I feel sad."
"Why do you feel sad?"
"I have no idea! That's the problem and it's annoying me a ton that I don't know why!"
My sister flashed a smile at me again and said,
"Hmmm well I guess there is another weird thing about you! If I had a jar of candy there would be a LOT in there of how many times something weird happened to you!"
I rolled my eyes and said,
"Ha ha, very funny!"
"What? It's true! It doesn't really matter if another weird thing happens to you. It keeps happening. I got used to it!"
I sighed and said,
"I know it's true but if it didn't keep happening then I would feel more normal!"
"Well if you think about it this way, I bet there are other people who are like you! It actually could be normal for what you are!"
"I guess that's true. Thanks for saying that, it makes me feel better!"
"You're welcome. That's what sisters are for to help your little sister feel better!"
I smiled at her and said,
"That's very true! You keep doing it too! I wouldn't know what to do without you!"
Silver smiled at me and was about to say something when I heard something behind me! We were so into talking to each other we weren't paying attention to our surroundings! I heard something rush towards me!!!! Silver pushed me out of the way and I saw an arrow in her! Before I could react I saw more arrows come from the bushes and it hit her!!! I looked at my sister and yelled,
My sister smiled weakly at me and said,
"Well I had to protect my little sister!"
"No you didn't! I would rather me then you!"
"It's kinda to late for the though."
I started to cry and I said,
"Don't leave me! I told you I wouldn't know what I do without you!"
"You will be fine without me! You're smarter than me. I love you so much."
My sister coughed up blood and continued to say,
"Tell mom and dad I love them! Make sure to take care of them for me!"
Then she went limp and I cried even harder! Then I saw the five people who killed my sister come out of the bush and I yelled,
One of the men sighed and said,
"Well of course we wanted the fur. We are so lucky that the dead werewolf was in its wolf form when we killed it. There is even more fur we can get! I've never seen a silver fur werewolf. I bet if we sell it we will get a lot of money!"
"Well we got to have money to live you know?"
"No we didn't. We just killed a monster! I hate werewolves. I've never seen a red fur werewolf before either! We will be rich after this!"
I felt so angry and I felt I was on fire! One of the men said,
"WHAT THE....THAT WOLF JUST CAUGHT ON FIRE!!!" wonder I felt I was on fire! I literally am! I felt even more angry and fire went everywhere and engulfed the men in it! They yelled in pain and after a few seconds they died. I shifted out of my wolf form. I picked up my sisters body and hugged her and started to cry even harder. Even though I got my revenge, why don't I feel happy? I only feel empty....I wonder if I wasn't here maybe my sister would have never died!!!! Is it my fault she died!? I rocked back and forth holding her body but nothing made me feel any better.....

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