Chapter 43

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"I'm glad too! Wish everyone was nice like this in my first life....."
"Jeez, hearing all of this makes me pissed at the elder!"
"Good! Just thinking of people liking that bastard makes me so mad!"
"Hmmmm what if I told everyone what actually happened to you?"
"How the heck would you do that?!"
"Well, I would simply write a letter saying "read this in front of your whole village" and then I would explain what happened to you afterwards!"
"Really?! You would do that for me?!"
"Of course! After what you went through everyone deserves to know the truth!"
"What if I'm lying about all of this?"
"After seeing your reactions about this it clearly proves you are telling the truth! If you weren't you wouldn't get so mad!"
I smiled at him and said,
"Thanks for believing me!"
"You're welcome!"
"But how would you even explain how you got this information in the first place? I really don't want everyone to know I'm actually alive....I would like a normal life, not one where people come to see me from all different places! It would be pretty overwhelming!"
"I know and that's why I would say I found a diary of what actually happened to the girl!"
"That's smart but would anyone believe you if you don't have any proof?"
"Well I would use a royal seal that only the King puts on the letters. Everyone knows how truthful I am and wouldn't dare think the King would lie!"
"That makes sense but how would you send the letters to all the villages across the world?!"
"Oh that's easy we have a lot of message birds to use to send letters to leaders and elders in the villages! I would have liked to send my vampire guards to hand them to the leaders and elders themselves.....but werewolves don't really like us in their villages and humans really don't like us either since we do drink their blood!"
"That's would be a pretty bad idea to do that! It would also be very hard to send letters to everyone when there probably are thousands or even more villages! You would have to send a lot of vampire guards and that would be bad because you wouldn't have a lot of guards to protect you!"
The King sighed and said,
"I guess that's true...I don't exactly need protection but if anything happened to the vampire villages we probably wouldn't be able to help them and that would be pretty bad!"
"Thanks again for doing means a lot! I might even like you if you actually do it!"
The King chuckled and said,
"I promise I will! Also being liked by a phoenix sounds pretty cool! Well I would love to keep talking to you but I am the King and I have a TON of paperwork to do! If I don't leave soon my assistant will come get me and then yell at me for taking so long!"
Dad then said,
"Makes do have a lot of duties! We understand that you have to leave!"
Mom then said,
"Thanks for taking the time of the day to even come see us! It's an honor to actually meet you in person!"
I then said,
"I'm glad you are actually nice!"
Mom then elbowed me again and said,
"Flameheart! Be nice!"
I sighed and said,
Fine...have fun with all that paperwork!"
Mom groaned and said,
"Well close enough....I know I can't make you say anything nicer than that!"
The King chuckled and said,
"It's fine....she has a great sense of humor! Well I'll be off now! I would say see you again but knowing how busy I am I probably won't unfortunately!"
Dad then said,
"You even coming to see us is more than enough for me! Goodbye and I hope you have a safe journey!"
We all got up and followed the King to the door. Dad then held the door open for him and he left. Dad closed the door behind him and I then heard the King say to the guards,
"Come along....I'm done here!"
I then heard both of the guards say,
"Yes sir!"
My dad then said,
"That went surprisingly well! I'm glad it was nothing too serious!"
I then said,
"Hmmm I wonder if the guards heard what we were talking about!"
"They didn't...this room is soundproof after all!"
"I didn't know vampires had magic to do that!"
"Oh we don't...we asked fairies to do that!"
"That makes sense but how did you find fairies? I thought they were hard to find!"
"Well they are but Asher actually met some when he was traveling around. He saves some of them from people who were trying to catch them. They told him thanks and if he needed any help in the future they would help! It was very fortunate that Asher met some and helped them or we probably wouldn't be able to get a fairy to even help us! They don't exactly like helping anyone because they were tricked so much before by supernaturals and humans!"
"Well good thing Asher helped them!"
"Hey Quinn?"
Quinn then said,
"What is it?"
"I noticed you were pretty quiet! Why was that?"
"Well I was pretty nervous so I didn't really want to embarrass myself because of that!"
"That makes sense so how did you like the King?"
"He was pretty nice! I was pretty surprised that he wasn't rude to us because we are just regular vampires, not royalty!"
"I was pretty surprised too after the experience in my first life. I didn't expect him to be so nice! Well it depends if he actually does send that letter....if not well I won't like him anymore!"
Dad then said,
"I bet he will!"
"I hope so..."
My brother then said,
"So ummm since you told us about you being a phoenix are you going to tell the whole village that you're a phoenix?!"
"Well I'm pretty sure I will....I hated lying to everyone here after they are so nice to me even though I'm not a vampire! Since I told a couple people already, I don't see a point in keeping it a secret anymore! I know they will be totally fine with me being a phoenix!"
"I'm glad because to be honest I'm pretty bad at keeping secrets! When do you think you will tell them?"
"After they find out the actual truth about the elder! It would be easier to explain if they knew about my backstory."
"That's true! I'm glad you finally are opening up to us!"
I smiled and said,
"I am too!"

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