Chapter 6

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I closed my eyes thinking I was going to die but instead nothing happened! I opened my eyes and saw I was still on fire but I wasn't burning at all!!! Instead I just felt warm and very surprised! I looked around and saw that everyone looked shocked! I couldn't see them very well because I was engulfed in flames though! I heard their voices already but I really wanted to see them too!
Thea then said,
"That's not normal right!?"
Jarin then said,
Silver then said,
"Take deep breaths dad! Stop freaking out! It won't help the situation!"
Jarin took and deep breaths and said,
"You're right. Freaking out doesn't help anyone."
Thea said,
"What should we do now? Should we try to get her out of the fire?"
"That's a bad idea, we would burn ourselfs!"
"But what if she isn't fireproof forever? We need to hurry!"
"That's true but it's dangerous for us!"
Ugggg Jarin doesn't want me to live does he? He doesn't care about me burning up?! Wait! Maybe I can finally talk! Let me try! I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Well I guess I am a baby it would be weird if I could talk right away!
Thea then said,
"Do you even care if she dies or not?! It sure seems like it!"
You tell him Thea!!!!
"No that's not what I'm saying at all! I want her to live but I don't want anyone to get hurt also!!!!"
"That's not a good excuse!"
Jarin opened her mouth to say something but then Silver interrupted and said,
"HEY! Stop fighting!!! It's getting you nowhere and you are wasting time arguing! By the time you are done the baby might burn up!!!"
She's right, you know!
Thea and Jarin looked at each other and they both took deep breaths. Thea then said,
"You're right! We are wasting time but what should we do? I don't want anyone to get hurt either but if we don't do something the baby could die!"
I could tell all three of them were thinking and then Jarin spoke up and said,
"I have an idea!"
"What is it?"
"I think because we were freaking out and still are very confused we weren't thinking straight! The answer is simple, we need to put out the fire with water!"
"Oh....that's a good idea! We weren't really thinking, we're we?"
Silver then said,
"Well dad is right. We were just shocked she's not burning up so it's no surprise that we couldn't think very well!"
Jarin then said,
"Me and Thea will go get the water from the well because we are stronger than you, Silver."
"But I want to help!"
"Don't worry you will! You need to watch the baby while we get the water! We don't want anything to happen to her while we are gone!"
"Oh that's a good idea! Hurry back!!!"
After her parents left she looked at me and said,
"I had no idea what you would look like because you came from an egg but you look exactly like a baby human! I can tell because you don't smell like a werewolf or a vampire. To be honest you smell like ash but that might be because you're on fire right now!"
That's probably it. I'm also confused on why I'm not burning right now but I'm glad I'm not! I would be dead by now if I was!
"Hmmmm what should your name be? To be honest Red isn't a very good name."
I could tell Silver was thinking of a name for me and then she said,
"Ooooo I have an amazing idea for your name! I would tell you right now but I want it to be a surprise! I want my parents to hear it for the first time too! Also you never know there could be a better name for you. It's hard to tell what you look like now because you're on fire!"
OH COME ON! Why won't you tell me my name?! I'm very curious right now! But you are right I guess. I could look different and maybe that name she is thinking of right now wouldn't fit me.
"So since you are finally out of the egg I have a question for you."
What is it? I can't really talk but I'll try to answer your question in some way!
"Could you understand me even when you were in the egg? Or are my parents right? Nod your head if you do!"
That's something I can do even if I can't talk! I nodded my head.
"REALLY?! You can?!"
I nodded my head again.
I laughed and Silver said,
"I'm glad I made you smile! But another thing I'm curious is about is how can you understand me? Your a baby and baby's usually can't understand us until they get older!"
I shuged my shoulders.
"So you don't know either?"
I nodded my head.
"Do you know what you are?"
I shook my head.
"So you don't even know. Maybe we will figure that out later."
I put my thumps up.
"Sounds like a plan then! I'm just wondering, if you can understand me, can you talk?"
I shook my head.
"Well you are a baby even if you can understand me doesn't mean you can talk. Is it okay if I tell my parents that you can understand us?"
I shook my head.
"Why not?"
Hmmmm how do it explain it without words. After a few seconds of thinking I knew what to do! I then put my left hand flat up and Silver said,
"Ummm do you mean wait?"
I noded my head. Then I pointed to my mouth and tried talking. I saw Silver look confused but then after a few seconds I saw her face widen as she realized what I meant.
"You mean to say you want to tell them yourself when you can talk."
I nodded my head.
"Is that the only reason you don't want me to tell them? I can tell there is some other reason!"
I smiled and laughed. I wonder if she gets why I laughed.
"What's so funny? Are you going to tell me or not?"
I sighed. I guess she doesn't get it. Then I pointed at her and laughed.
"Why are you laughing...oh wait now I get it! You think it would be funny to see how they react when you do tell them!"
I nodded my head.
"Yay! I finnally guessed it right!"
Before we contuned to talk I saw her parents coming over with huge buckets of water. Thea then said,
"We are back! Hopfully this works."
Silver then said,
"I hope so too! I want to see what she looks like!"
They then walked over and poured water on me. I shivered as the water hit me. That's really cold! At least I can achually see everything without fire blocking the way! Before I could look around Jarin said,
"So we were thinking while we were geting the water that you can name the baby Silver! You did always talk to her when she was in the egg after all!"
Thea then said,
"We thought it would be best if you named her because you spent the most time with her!"
Silver then said,
"Thanks for letting me name her! I achually thought up a name while I was waiting for you so I'm really happy I can name her! Since she has amber eyes and red and orange hair her name will be.....

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