Chapter 3

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UGGGGGG IT'S BEEN HOURS!!! WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET BACK TO THEIR HOUSE?! They did say it took a while to get here but I thought they were exaggerating! The women then said,
"We are almost back! I'm starting to recognise the trees around here!"
The man then said,
"Are you sure the egg needs heat to survive?"
"I told you most eggs need heat but it is a very unusual egg!"
I actually know this for some reason but you are right, heat is the one of the things I need to hatch. The second thing is kinda interesting. I also need to be around people or creatures also! Maybe it has to do with how I might die without anyone around me to protect me from all the dangerous things! I would tell them myself but I can't really talk to them. I wonder how long it will take me to hatch! I know what helps me to hatch but unfortunately I don't know how long it will take!
A couple minutes later...
It has been a few minutes after the women said we are almost back. I wonder how close we are to their home now.
The man then said,
"We are finally back! I'm so excited to sit down and relax after all that walking!"
"Yes I agree! I'm pretty glad we can sit down! I'm also really glad we got back before it became dark! We can see in the dark but a lot of dangerous creatures come out at night!"
Well that would be bad. I don't want the people who saved me to die because they tried helping me! Also they can see in the dark? That's not normal right? Are they not human?! Well there are other creatures other than humans after all. I shouldn't be to surprised!
The women called out,
"Silver! Come out here! We are back."
Silver, who is that? Ohhhh wait they mentioned they had a daughter maybe that's her or his name! Silver could be either name for a boy or a girl after all! I sighed. Another thing I shouldn't know because I have no memories! I'm still curious as to why I know these things when I literally have NO MEMORIES!!!! I shouldn't think about it to much though! Maybe I'll figure out why later but just thinking about it makes my head hurt! I heard doors open and close. I then heard someone coming towards me quickly.
Silver then said,
"Mom! Dad! You're finally back!!! I thought you said it wouldn't take to long!"
By her voice I'm assuming Silver is a girl.
The women then said,
"I'm so sorry, sweaty! I didn't know how far the thing Jarin saw was!"
Oh I finally know what that man's name is! I wish I found out the woman's name first because Jarin is such a jerk! If only he didn't want to leave me to die I would have loved the name but instead I only like it. I wonder what the woman's name is. Whatever it is, I bet it's better than Jarin!
Jarin then said,
"I thought it was closer than I thought! I'm so sorry you had to be alone for this long!"
Silver then said,
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean to leave me for that long! I didn't get hurt so you don't have to feel bad for leaving me!"
The women then said,
"Awwww you're so cute like always!"
Jarin chucked and said,
"She's right, you are pretty cute. Also don't worry I thought you were going to be fine. You are a very smart girl!"
"Thanks for saying that dad! I did what you both told me to when you didn't come back in a while."
"That's good. I didn't want you to get hurt!"
"So I'm now really curious, what did you see?"
"I saw a bright light while I was hunting and I was worried something bad happened!"
"I wish I saw that! That sounds super cool!"
Jarin laughed and said,
"It was pretty cool to see. I wish you saw it with me!"
"So what was it? Did something bad happen?!"
"Well nothing bad happened. There was a fire, but it wasn't spreading at all!"
"That's really weird! I thought all fires spread!"
"They do but this one didn't!"
"Do you know why?"
"Well it turns out that the fire was caused by an egg!"
"EGG?! What do you mean?!"
"We found an egg around the fire so we assumed it caused it! It proved our point even more when we picked up the egg and all the fire went out!"
Oh I didn't know that happened! They didn't say anything about it!!! Maybe because they wanted to get back quickly they decided not to talk about it! Silver then said,
"That sounds pretty cool! I wish I came with you to see what that light was then I would see the egg!"
"We brought the egg home. You can see it if you want."
"Really?! You did?! I don't see it though!"
There was a pause and Silver said,
"I thought that the egg that caused the fire would be bigger than that!"
"Oh it was. It was around the size of a dragon's egg!"
"Then why is it so small now?!"
"You see when I tried to pick it up it shrank to this size! I think the egg somehow knew that it was to big for us to carry so it turned like this!"
"That's really weird! I've never heard of an egg doing that before!"
"I haven't either! I'm really curious what is in that egg now!"
"I am too! What should we do to help the egg hatch?"
"We need to make a fire to keep it warm! I have no idea if it will go back to the size it was before when we let go of it, so make sure to get a lot of firewood!"
"Okay, sounds good! I'm really excited to see the egg hatch!"
"I am too!"
The women then said,
"I'll also help to get the firewood!"
I heard them walk off. I'm glad I'm finally going to get out this egg soon! I'm so tired of being here! It's so boring! One thing I hope I find out before I hatch is the woman's name! She's really nice and I would like to know her name so I could say it. I have no idea if I can talk when I hatch but maybe I can! I guess I'll figure that out soon!

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