Chapter 11

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I then asked,
"So am I a hybrid?"
Dad then said,
"That's impossible."
"Since you were in an egg that would mean you would either be a dragon or a fairy. But dragon eggs looked different from yours and your egg was way to big to be a fairies. Also neither of those eggs can shrink and grow. Dragons can only be with another dragon and it's the same with fairies. They can't have a kids with any other supernaturals or humans. You aren't a bloodwolf either. If you were you would have fur and red eyes and definitely wouldn't have hatched from an egg. You also can't be a half human half vampire either because they also don't hatch from an egg. They are always born with one red eye and one regular eye. Half werewolves half humans pretty much look the same as werewolves and they also don't hatch from an egg either."
"Oh....I see why you said that is impossible. I have a question though I thought it was illegal for other different supernatural beings to be together."
My parents looked at each other and I could tell they looked very confused. Mom then said,
"Why do you think that?"
I thought for a second. Hmmm that's really weird, why did I think that?
I then said,
"I actually don't know. Remember when I told you I knew things even though I didn't have any memories? Maybe it has something to do with that."
They looked at each other again and I could tell they were worried. I then continued to say,
"What's wrong? Did I say something that worried you?"
My dad then said,
"Yes. You said that it was illegal but the thing is that law got removed around two hundred years ago!"
Hmmmmm then why did I say that?!
"That's weird! I have no idea why I said that then."
"It's also very unusual too because we never said the word illegal to you before even when you were in an egg!"
"UGGGGGG this is so frustrating! I wish I knew why I know all these things but I don't!"
"Well you don't even remember why you said that. Maybe we will figure it out later but it's not helping to think about it to much."
"That's true. It's just upsetting me and that's not a good feeling to have."
Mom then said,
"That's a good idea. Don't think about it to much. I don't want my cute adorable daughter to be sad!"
My parents laughed and mom said,
"Well it's true and it's only us here. You don't have to feel embarrassed."
"I know but I still don't like it!"
My mom smiled at me and then her eyes widened and said,
"You said you could understand us the whole time when we found you right?"
"Well yep but why are you asking that?"
"Soooo you heard Jarin say the curse words when we first saw you."
"You mean fuck right?"
Mom glared at dad and said,
"I told you you shouldn't have said that back then but noooo you had to!"
Dad sighed and said,
"I told you it was an accident!"
"I know but it still doesn't excuse the fact that you did it!"
"I'm sorry!"
I then said,
"Ohhhh so you are saying that you said this is a shity job by accident too?"
Mom glared at dad and said,
Dad gulped and said,
"Well you see it was pretty early and you know how I am when I'm sleepy. I get really grumpy so I might have said that while doing my least favorite job! I guess I was near enough to the egg that Flameheart could hear me!"
Mom groaned and said,
"Fine I'll forgive you this time but you better not do it again or you're in BIG TROUBLE!"
I laughed and mom continued to say,
"This is no laughing matter! You shouldn't know these words when you're this young!!!"
I then said,
"Well it's to late now and it's not like you knew I could understand you. Don't be too harsh on dad. I bet he would have been way more careful not to say those words if he knew I could understand him. Also don't worry I won't say those words around Silver!"
Mom sighed and said,
"Okay I'm glad. Silver is still to young to know those words. Also I guess that's true but I'm still upset at him!"
"That's okay. I bet you will forgive him eventually. You do love him after all!"
Mom glared at me and said,
"I guess I do love him but sometimes he can be extremely annoying!"
Dad said,
"Awwww I love you too! I sometimes wonder why I deserve such a wonderful wife!"
I saw mom blush and I said,
"AWWWW this is adorable!"
Both of my parents glared at me but before they could say anything else I heard running towards us! When I finally saw the person I knew right away it was Silver. Mom said,
"Oh you're awake! I thought you would never get up! You really tired yourself out yesterday!"
My sister smiled and said,
"It was worth it! I got to play with my baby sister!"
I then said,
"I agree with her, it was really fun!"
Silver eyes widened and she said,
"Oh you finally can speak, congrats!"
My parents sighed and mom said to my sister,
"I wish you told us that Flameheart could understand us this whole time but she did say she asked you not to so I'm not to mad."
Silver smiled at mom and said,
"Well I'm glad. I don't like when you're mad at me so I'm happy that you aren't. So what did I miss? Anything important?"
"You should sit down first. Looking up to you while talking to you is uncomfortable."
"That's true."
She then walked over to where we were and sat down next to us. I then explained to her what we were talking about and of course left out the part with the curse words. My sister continued to say,
"Oh so we still don't know what you are."
"Nope. Maybe we will find out later but for now we can't really do anything about it."
"That's true."
Silver sat down with us and my mom handed out our food and we started eating.

The Phoenix Girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora