Chapter 36

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Five years later....
"How the heck are you almost as tall as me?!"
"I told you that I would grow fast!"
"I know but I thought you were joking!"
"Nope, as you clearly can tell!"
"I'm still going to call you my little sister even if you get as tall as me in a year!"
I chuckled and said,
"I'm fine with that I guess. Is that the reason why we are so deep and far out of the woods to ask me that? You said to come with you because you had something important for me to see! Did you lie to me?!"
This reminds me to much of the time me and my sister went out in my first life. Then because of that she got killed....I swear if he lied to me I'm going to be so annoyed!
My brother then said,
"Ummmmm I might have....."
"Well I knew if I said I just wanted to go exploring you wouldn't come. Then you would tell our parents and they would have stopped me from going!"
"That's because it's dangerous! You know there could be hunters or werewolves out here!"
"You're overreacting! No one would be stupid enough to be so close to a whole vampire village!"
"Yes they wouldn't attack close to the village but we aren't close to our village we were pretty far away! I can't even smell anyone from our village here! They might be waiting for teenagers or kids like us going far from the village just to attack us!"
"Even if that's true we are pretty strong! Our parents have been teaching us to fight for a very long time! You even beat both our parents somehow!!! We will be totally fine!"
The only reason I beat them was because in my first life ever since my sister was killed I practiced fighting! I even fended off attackers that tried to kill my family!
I then said,
"Yea that's true but werewolves and humans have a different way of fighting! We have no experience fighting them while I bet they do! Also there are only two of us and they probably will have a lot of people on their side. We would totally get overwhelmed!"
Even if there were to many people it would be hard to protect my brother! Also I had no experience fighting other werewolves or hunters as a vampire!
My brother then said,
"Okay I see your point...let's go back then!"
I sighed in relief. I'm glad I don't have to drag my brother back home. We started walking back but then I heard a tree branch snap. I paused and sniffed the air...I smelled nothing out of the ordinary but then I smelled a faint smell of a werewolf! did we not smell them before!!! If I barely could smell it I bet my brother didn't notice either!!!! I then noticed my brother was still walking....He didn't notice I stopped! I have to get there fast! I used my vampic speed and quickly pushed him away! Just in time to because I felt a lot of pain as claws ripped off my arm! I saw dirty werewolves come out from the trees and surrounded us! That's how we didn't smell them, they rubbed themselves with dirt!
My brother then yelled at me,
"What the fuck were you thinking you lost your arm!"
"No I didn't."
I held up my arm.
"How?! I'm positive I saw it get ripped off!!!"
"I think I have fast healing abilities like you do!"
"Well that's good but still what the heck were you thinking pushing me out of the way!!! You could have gotten killed!"
"They were aiming at your neck, you would have died and I would rather get hurt than you getting killed!!! I knew if I pushed you out the way they would have gotten my arm. I would rather lose an arm than see you die!"
"That's true...thanks for saving me!"
I then turned to the werewolves and said,
"Why did you do that? We did nothing to you!!!"
Then one of the werewolves said,
"We hate vampires! We would love to see any vampires die even if they were young!"
"I'm confused....I'm not a vampire though?"
"You're not?!"
I saw the werewolf sniff the air and he then said,
"Oh you don't smell like a vampire. Sorry about that, I thought you were a vampire because of your red eyes! Well I guess we will let you go if you let us kill this bloodsucker then!"
I then hissed at them and said,
"I would rather die than let you kill my brother!"
"That's disappointing....I guess since you're protecting this bloodsucker we will have to kill you too!"
Even more werewolves came around the trees!!! I counted around thirty! THERE IS NO WAY I CAN KILL THIS MANY!!! All of them came closer. NOT AGAIN!!!! I'M NOT LETTING MY SIBLING DIE AGAIN!!! Then I felt myself heat up and I released the heat and I saw fire all around me! I heard screaming as most of the werewolves burned to death. I then felt weak at my knees and fell down. I saw flashes as my sister died and started to cry. I then started to mutter saying over and over,
"Not again...not again....not again....not again...NOT AGAIN!!!"
Then I heard someone crouched in front of me and hugged me. I then heard my brother say,
"It's okay...I'm alive....calm down! The fire didn't affect me!"
I smiled and said,
"I'm glad!"
Oh no I feel pretty drowsy! Using that much of my magic makes me really tired! I have to stay awake or the fire will disappear and then the werewolves can attack us! I know I killed some with the fire but a lot of them were out of the range of it too! Then I heard something that made me sigh in relief,
"Hey what are werewolves doing here?!"
Then everything went black!

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