Chapter 16

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A week later....
I sighed and my sister asked me,
"What's wrong?"
"You know what's wrong! My fur still hasn't gone away!!!"
"Oh....well I kinda got used to it so I totally forgot!"
I glared at her and said,
"Of course you forgot! Your memory sometimes is pretty bad!"
"It's also because you look so natural with fur. I have no idea're not a werewolf! Have you tried to shift into a wolf and shift out to see if the fur went away?"
I glared at her again and said,
"That was the first thing I tried! Actually I tried to do it every day to see if it changed but nope!"
"Well at least I tried helping you. Why don't you like being a werewolf anyways? You are used to werewolf senses already!"
"Well it's annoying to brush and clean all this fur!"
Silver laughed and said,
"I guess that's true. I'm just so used to it it doesn't bother me anymore!"
I sighed and said,
"Well one thing I'm surprised about is that it only took a day to get used to the senses! Is that normal?"
"I have no idea! When a pup is born they are already used to the senses! You are the first "person" to turn into a werewolf and a wolf after all! How would I know?"
"That's true. I didn't know pups are used to their senses right away! Our parents didn't tell me!"
"Well I bet they didn't think to tell you. It's common knowledge so I bet they just forgot!"
"Well that makes sense. I'm not upset at our parents that they didn't tell me I just wish I knew that."
"That's good I don't want you to get mad at our parents for that reason!"
As I opened my mouth to reply I heard mom call up to us,
"Come downstairs. We need to talk to you!"
I then said to my sister,
"Did we do something wrong?"
"I don't remember doing anything bad. Maybe they just want to talk to us?"
"Well you did say you didn't have a good memory!"
My sister glared at me and said,
"You know what I mean!"
I laughed and said,
"I know I just like teasing you sometimes!"
My sister sighed and I continued to say,
"I'm also pretty sure they don't just want to have a normal talk with us. They never call us downstairs unless it's important!"
"That's true but you never know!"
"Okay we should hurry though before mom drags us down!"
I chuckled and said,
"Good idea, let's go!"
We ran downstairs and I saw our parents sitting at the table. We sat across from them but when I looked at them they had pretty serious faces! I then said,
"What's wrong?! Did something bad happen? Did we do something wrong? If so, we are sorry!"
I saw both of them take deep breaths and dad said,
"Well depending on how you answer us you might get in trouble or you might not!"
"What do you mean? I don't remember doing anything wrong!"
"You didn't, I don't think?"
"What do you mean?"
"You see I was hunting and I decided to get a drink of water from the pond. I didn't really feel like going to the well! But when I got there I noticed two smells. They were quite old smells but I could tell right away that you had been there! I have been around you two all my life so I could easily tell your smells apart from other werewolves. But then I noticed another smell that I haven't smelt in a while, multiple wolves! They also have a very unique smell and I could tell they are right next to you both! Why were you so near a wolf?! What happened?!"
"Should I tell or should you tell them Silver?"
My sister then said,
"Well since I'm the older sister I will!"
"Okay you can tell them then."
After a few minutes of Silver explaining what happened mom said,
"I'm so sorry that happened to you! I was worried something bad happened, either you or the wolves attacked you but I guess not! I don't know what's better though....getting attacked or thinking that you will finally have a friend just to lose them right after!"
I sighed and said,
"To be honest I would rather want the wolves to attack us. We could easily beat the wolves anyways and we wouldn't care for them either so it would be way easier to see the wolves go!"
Our parents looked at us sadly and dad said,
"I was wondering why you looked so sad after coming back a week ago but now I know why! That must have been pretty hard! I know how it feels. When I married Thea all my friends shunned me and told me to get away from them. Since I married her they said I was cursed too! It felt horrible and it also felt like I was betrayed too! Friends are supposed to help you not push you away just from marrying someone different from them!"
I then said,
"That's horrible! I agree that's not at all what friends should do! I don't think they should even be called your friends if they are going to do that!"
Dad smiled at me and said,
"Thanks for saying that but I got over it a while ago. It helped thinking that they weren't good friends so I got over it!"
"Oh...I'm glad you feel better then!"
"But I bet it's harder for you two because you did gain new friends that didn't care what you looked like and then lost them right after!"
"Yep it is harder. We can't do what you did to make us feel better!"
Mom then said,
"I bet over time you will feel better but it's going to be hard before then though! You two are strong and I know you can do it!"
We both smiled at her and my sister said,
"Thanks for saying that! It made me feel a little better!"
I nodded my head in agreement and mom said,
"Well I'm glad we can help! I know what will make you feel better! We can make you your favorite meal!"
My sister said,
"That's definitely going to make me feel better!"
I then said,
"Well all fire tastes the same but it does taste delicious. Well even though I can only eat fire I also can eat what you guys eat and it also tastes good!"
"That's good! We have a plan then!"
Well it does make me feel a little better but I still feel pretty sad! Mom and dad said it will be fine though so I'll believe them!

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