Chapter 33

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A week later....
My brother and I were sitting at the table and I said,
"Are you sure your friends will like me?"
My brother then said,
"You saw how the other villagers acted towards you. They were totally fine with you being different! I bet my friends thought the same! If the villagers didn't like you they wouldn't be fine with letting you meet some of the children! Also we asked my friend's parents if they could meet you and they said that they were totally fine with it!"
"I know but I'm still worried about it!"
"You shouldn't be! I know it will be just fine!"
"If you say so..."
I think I'm just worried because of my first life and how everyone hated us for just being different! It's actually pretty weird living in a village. I'm so used to talking to only a few people that talking to a lot of people can get overwhelming! I think I'm more nervous than worried.
My brother then said,
"I think you will be totally fine! You are so nice and kind, how could anyone not like you!"
I blushed out of embarrassment and said,
"Thanks for saying that! That makes me feel a little better!"
"That's good and even if they don't like you, you have an amazing big brother that will always love you!"
I chuckled and said,
"That's true!"
"Hey don't laugh!"
"What? How you said it was funny!"
Quinn sighed and said,
"I'll let it go only because my friends are coming over soon. So how are you feeling now about my friends coming over?"
"Well I'm more nervous than worried."
"That makes sense when you are meeting them for the first time. I know I was nervous when I first met them so that's normal!"
"Okay I'm glad I'm not the only one then!"
I was about to say something else when I heard a knock on the door! My brother then said,
"That must be my friends! Stay here while I let them in!"
I chuckled and said,
"It's not like Ike I can go anywhere! I still can't even walk and I would rather not turn into a bat to fly there. I want them to meet me like this, not as a bat form!"
"You know what I mean!"
I laughed and said,
"Sorry I just like teasing you!"
Then I heard the another knock on the door and I continued to say,
"What's taking so long! You should answer the door!"
My brother glared at me and said,
"That's your fault!"
I flashed a smile at him and said,
"I know!"
He groaned and walked towards the door. Sorry about teasing you so much Quinn. It keeps my mind off of what happened in my first life and it makes me feel better. I heard him open the door and I heard a voice say,
"What took you so long!"
My brother sighed and said,
"My little sister loves teasing me!"
The voice laughed and said,
"I like her already!"
My brother groaned and said,
"I'm not at all surprised. Come on in."
He moved to the side and all three of his friends came in. They ran over to the table and I saw that they mostly looked a little older than Quinn. Quinn then pointed to the person in the middle and said,
"This is Simon."
Simon has curly short brown hair. He looked to be around the age fourteen and was tall.
"The person to the left of him is Caspian." Caspian has black short hair. He looked to be around the age twelve and was a little shorter than Simon.
"And last but not least this is Alisa."
Alisa looked to be around the same age as my brother and she was a little shorter than him also. She has long curly black hair. All of them had red eyes but I'm not surprised. I then said,
"Well it's nice to meet all of you!"
Simon then said,
My brother said,
"I'm glad I finally can meet you like this!"
Alisa said,
"Awww you're so cute!"
My brother then said,
"What? It's true!"
My brother then paused and said,
"Okay you might be right but that's not how you greet someone!"
Alisa then said,
"Okay fine. It's nice to meet such a cute person!"
Simon groaned and I saw Caspian roll his eyes. My brother then sighed and said,
"Close enough!"
I laughed and said,
"Well I am a baby and babies are pretty cute! I'm totally fine with that greeting!"
Alisa then said,
"I'm glad you're fine with it...does that mean I can keep calling you cute?"
I chuckled and said,
"Well don't say it all the time or it will get really annoying!"
Alisa paused for a second and said,
They seem really nice....I don't feel nervous anymore which is good! If only we had this in my first life then maybe my family would still be alive! But let's not think about that right now or it would ruin my mood! I guess Simon saw something wrong with me because he said,
"Are you okay? You seem sad!"
I then said,
"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to seem sad, I'm actually pretty happy that you all are so nice to me! I wasn't expecting that to be honest!"
Caspian then said,
"Why would you think that?!"
"Well I thought since I'm not a vampire I thought you wouldn't like me around me but I guess I was wrong!"
"Yep you were totally wrong! We don't care at all that you aren't a vampire! I'm mostly surprised that a baby can talk though!"
Good, I'm glad I changed the subject. I can't really explain why I look sad!
I then said,
"You know that's the weird thing....I didn't even know that it was weird for me to talk until someone told me!"
That's a lie but it would be weird for me to know that after just being hatched!
Alisa then said,
"That's not surprising. You thought it was normal because you could do that. You just hatched after all!"
"That's true!"

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