Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon

Start from the beginning


The corgi barks at you, panting happily despite you being several yards in the air

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The corgi barks at you, panting happily despite you being several yards in the air.

Ozpin: "I was a little surprised as well. Apparently, your mother had sent her dog off to live with Dr. Oobleck while she followed Yang and met up with you."

Y/N: "Yeah, but bringing him HERE!?"

Ozpin: "Dr. Oobleck has assured me Zwei can handle it."

The little corgi returns to Oobleck, who gives him a dog treat for his hard work... and fires him once again, this time at an Ursa Maxima.

Professor Peach uses her chakrams to clear two circles of Grimm, skillfully returning her weapons to her. She blocks a Beowolf's claws with a single arm, throws a chakram in front of her to kill more Beowolves that tried to kill her, and then calls it back, decapitating the caught Beowolf instantly, before calling it back to her hand.

Y/N: "Woah..."

You can't help but stare at her 'peachy buns' as she's fighting. You had noticed this when you still a student, but her behind is-

Y/N: "WOAH!"

A tree branch impales itself in the side of the airship, right next to your head. It looks like Glynda wasn't watching where she was aiming... or was she? Either way, you probably shouldn't stare at Professor Peach... at least while Glynda's around.

Speaking of Glynda, she creates what resembles a Geist-possessed collection of rocks and trees, using her newfound Golem to fight for her. Of course, she's mastered her Semblance to the point where she could control it and a few other things at once, but it's still a tight battle field. The Pseudo-Gaist throws parts of its body to knock Grimm off the cliff before calling the body part back to itself. Glynda strains as she lifts several Boarbatusks in the air, which are then pummeled into dust by the powerful Golem.

Overall, the battle's pretty much over, at least for now. The airship landing pad is mostly free of Grimm, with the teachers finishing up. Ozpin was right in that your teachers were more than capable of handling whatever came at them, but now's the hard part.

Your airship and the ones containing the other Hunters land, and everyone gets out. Ozpin instructs a few of the Hunters to stay behind to guard the ships. If things go south, you couldn't possibly carry everyone at once.

Y/N: "Alright. Now that the landing pad's secure, everyone know their assignments for Phase 2?"

Hunters: "YEAH!" they shout in unison.


Y/N: "And then after securing the landing pads, we go into Phase 2: clearing out the campus of any Grimm still skulking about. For this, I suggest we separate into teams to cover more ground faster."

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