Walking around without hesitation she grazed her fingers against the walls and couches. She skipped her way over to the kitchen, looking into my fridge, closing it, skating over to the stairs and taking her shoes off.

I put our things on the couch and followed her as she rushed up the stairs. I was so confused as to why Capri wasn't nervous.

"Juice pouch! What is you doin?!" I exclaimed.

"Ion know." She chuckled, running around upstairs. Then she found my room door and entered.

I could barely keep up with her. But when I caught up, she'd been IN my bed. Like laying down and everything.

"I'm so tired." She sighed, curling up into a ball and laying on her side. "I love your room by the way."

Sitting at the edge of my bed, I grabbed on her foot and leaned on my elbow. "Thank you. My aunt did it fa me. Then I kinda turned the place into my own. Feel me?"

Sitting up against my head board, she hopped up from my bed and made her way out of my room. Then she skated down the small hallway and went back downstairs.

I got up following after her hyperactive ass almost slipping, trying to keep up with her. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, she led me to my own kitchen and went into my fridge.

"You hella fuckin comfortable to be coming up in my crib for the first time?" I chuckled, scratching the back of my head.

I ain't mind it though. Capri always acted so nervous around me. I liked seeing her let loose and acting like she wasn't scared of me.

"Yeah mmhm. Can I have some grapes. That Chic-fil-a did nothing for me." She sighed.

"I mean yeah. What you expect? You eat like a child. Mac and cheese with a fruit cup and an apple juice." I laughed. "Gone head and eat the grapes, juice pouch."

"I do not eat like a child! It's just the only thing I had the taste for." She insisted, putting the grapes on the kitchen counter. Then from the cabinet above her, she tried reaching for a bowl.

She got on her tippy toes, trying to reach for it with her fingers. So I decided to help her cause she wunt getting nowhere doing that.

Stepping up behind her, our bodies touched by accident as I reached over her head and handed her the bowl.

"You happy now?" I snickered, patting her on the back.

She cleared her throat, nodding her head. She was doing that nervous shit again. Where she acted...nervous.

"Thank you." She nodded, raising her eyebrows.

Then she put some of the grapes into the bowl and turned the kitchen sink on. Running the water over the grapes a few times, she rinsed them thoroughly and when she was finished she put the rest into the fridge.

Making her way to my couch, I followed her there and we took a seat together. We took deep breaths in unison then she put the bowl in between us.

"You want some?" She asked, biting half of one grape and playing with it in her mouth.

"Oh how kind of you Capri Martin? Offering me some of my own food. You are too kind." I answered with sarcasm.

She sucked her teeth, throwing a grape at me. It hit my lip but it gave me an idea. Taking a few from the bowl, I kind of backed away.

"Open ya mouth. I wanna see if I could make it." I demanded.

"You know...taken out of context that would sound so wrong." She laughed, covering her mouth.

if you see these men, RUN. || (DAVE EAST) (CHRIS BROWN)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora