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- 28th july 2024 – aurora is 8 months old -

-taylors pov-

We are in LA for several monumental things that are happening, and I'm so excited for them all. I'm releasing the final re-recording tonight and then tomorrow I'm getting a star on the Hollywood walk of fame.

This was the first time we traveled with aurora, and it was nerve-wracking, but we made it, and everything was okay. She is still requiring oxygen but its less than it was when we got home from the hospital. She is now on 1-liter instead of the 2 liters when she came home. Its slow progress but it's going in the right direction. What is exiting though is that she is now breastfeeding and taking the bottle so no more NG tube. That's just another medical device we don't need anymore which is rewarding. She doesn't need the apnea monitor anymore either, but still has the cuff around her leg that measures heartrate and oxygen and she will probably need that longer than she needs the 24/7 oxygen.

"Mommy my pretty dress" Ellie says and dance around the Livingroom "tomorrow you will wear your pretty dress wont that be fun?" I tell her. She helped pick out a dress for her and a dress for aurora for tomorrow.

I'm getting ready for Jimmy Kimmel tonight and Ellie isn't happy she can't come. "Can I come on tv mommy" she says and sit down on one of the chairs around the kitchen table where my hair and makeup team are working on my look for tonight.

"no, I'm sorry munchkin. But remember, tomorrow you're going with mommy and daddy and aurora and then you're going to be on tv" I tell her. We decided that we wanted to bring them to this, it was a hard decision but it's such a huge thing that we are making an exception from our rule about putting the kids in front of cameras. My parents and joes' parents along with Austin and Patrick are here in la for the ceremony tomorrow too so they are going to help keep an eye on the kids during it.

I remember when Ryan got a star years ago they took the kids with them and that was the first time they had ever showed them, so they broke the internet. They have the same kind of mentality about their kids that joe and I have, and I think that's one of the things that makes us such good friends. They also want to give their kids as much normalcy as possible and understand where joe and I are coming from with it too. It's nice to have friends that really get it. I think that some of my other friend's kind of get it, but it's different when your fame status is different.

"Ellie, can you go ask daddy if we can get my breast pump ready to take with us?" I ask her "the milking machine?" she asks, and I nod so she runs to him in the other room. Joe is going with me and tree to jimmy Kimmel while the rest offered to look after the kids for us.

"She is so adorable" tree says "she sure is. And funny" my kids are the most amazing kids in the world. I may be biased on that, but I don't care. They make me so proud every single day. I don't need much in life to be happy, but I need them, and I need joe.


Walking onto the stage I get a little nervous, I haven't done an interview since before aurora was born actually. I've taken time off to make sure the kids are okay and that my relationship with joe was okay, but now I am ready to get back to my music. My family is my priority, always, but I love my job too.

"Please give a warm welcome to Taylor swift!" jimmy introduce me, and I walk onto the stage with a smile and sit down with my legs to the side as a proper lady does it to not show things that people aren't supposed to see. I'm wearing a black dress and a berry red lipstick to go with the color scheme of reputation.

We exchange hellos before we get on with the interview. "it's nice to see you again, you've been keeping out of the spotlight for a while now haven't you" he asks, and I nod. "Yes, there has been other things that have had priority. But it's fun to get back to my job too, I'm excited about releasing this music"

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