broken Mirrorball pieces

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-taylors pov- 

Tree and I walk into my office and close the door and sit down on the couch. I can see by her whole demeanor that this is bad. 

"So, there was a break in at your doctor's office apparently. And someone got into the computer and into your medical records. They didn't take much but they did take one thing and its everywhere. They're sharing proof that you had a D&C done in January." she says and looks hesitantly at me. "And they're saying that how could you take that child but then go and get pregnant again. So it's pretty bad" 

I rest my head in my hands "it wasn't like that at all. I had a.... I had a miscarriage and had to have the tissue removed. But I didn't want to. Fuck" I say, and my voice cracks and I wipe away the tears that are falling. 

"I know, that's why I wanted to come and tell you in person because it's really fucked up. They're making the document look like you're hiding something, but we both know you're not. You are entitled to having your medical information personal, but sadly this is out there. I think someone went in there looking for something, and they haven't caught the person. But I don't know how you want to handle this" she says and rub my back. 

It's like a nightmare coming through. I was hoping that I could move past that whole situation, but here it is again being brought to the light and I feel like I might throw up. It's still hard to talk about that whole situation and I don't really know how I'm going to respond to this. But I don't want to not say something either because it's not fair on me to have that fake information out there. 

"i'm sure as hell not going to sit by and say nothing. They're twisting the truth to make me look like a horrible person. And besides, if I had an abortion, it would be none of their business, my body my choice" I say and wipe away the tears again. 

"let's write something and just post it, I'm not going to let this carry on. This is taking thing too far. I don't want my career to be all about these headlines and rumors, I want it to stay about music and not my personal life. It seems like every fucking time I try to share a little something they go overboard, and then wonder afterwards why I keep my mouth shut" 


no one never know what's going on in someone else's life, and that's especially true for someone you don't know. I draw a pretty clear line between my personal life and my public life, but today someone has crossed over a huge boundary and break into my doctor's office to steal my medical information. But the thing is that they twisted it to fit their narrative. 

I didn't have an abortion, I had a miscarriage and had to have the remaining tissue removed. But honestly that's no one's business but mine and joes, this is so far across the line that I want to throw up. Anyone that has had fertility issues know how hard something like this is, and then when someone takes only part of the picture and paint me in a different light it opens up that wound again. 

But also, if I had chosen to have an abortion that would be no one's business except mine. I believe in a person's right to choose, and I stand by that, and I always have. But in this case the narrative is so far twisted that I had to speak up. 

This is the only time I will ever address this; my medical information is none of anyone's business. I'm a musician not a reality star. I don't want to have my personal life out there and I stand by that

"I mean it's too the point at least" I say and shrug "it gets the message across but you're not revealing too much either. Its none of their business" she says. 

I post it with a picture joe took of me the other day when I'm sitting by the window looking out at the fall weather. It's a simple picture but I have to put something with it on Instagram, so this seemed to fit the most. 

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