Ballet and flashback

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-taylors pov-

We have been back in Nashville for a week now and things are good and hard at the same time. I'm still having this dark cloud over my head but its slowly getting better. My therapist is really helping me cope with my anxieties, and even though I have a long way to go I see now that therapy is probably the right thing for me right now. 

Today I have a challenge from her. Ellie is starting dance classes in a couple of days, and I were going to order her some stuff online, but I've been challenged to go to the shops with her and get it there. So we are currently on our way to a dance store in Nashville. Thankfully there are no papz here so we can at least escape them. 

I go in with her and she is holding my hand skipping along clearly exited. "So Ellie, we need ballet slippers. We need tights, and we need leotards" I tell her, and she smiles big. "Yay!" 

We go to the kids' section and take a look, there are so many choices. They are supposed to be in solid color leotard, ballet skirt, and pink tights with ballet slippers so that's what we are looking for. "What color do you like Ellie? We will get a couple of them." I say and point to the solid color rack. 

Immediately she points to the baby pink one and I'm not surprised, she loves that. "it's so pretty isn't it. We should get that" I tell her and then hold up a black one "what do you think about this one" she looks at it and inspect it before nodding. 

In total we grab a black one, a pink one, a pale blue one and a purple one. We get a pink, a white and a black skirt and several pairs of tights and a pair of ballet slippers. Ellie is loving looking around the store and pointing at everything she thinks is pretty. 

Eventually when we go to cheek-out the cashier freaks out slightly "oh my god, you're Taylor swift. Can I get a picture?" she says and geek out as she is scanning our items. "Hi, sure" I say and pose for a picture with her which seems to confuse Ellie, but she doesn't say anything just grab my hand. 

This actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I was overthinking it and suspecting there would be paparazzi magically coming here and pressing cameras in our faces like they do in LA or New York. That's just one of the things I love about Nashville, I get to be a human here. Sure, there are people taking pictures of me but at least it's not paparazzi. 

As we are at the mall anyway, we decide to do some more shopping as Ellie seems to be loving it. "Mommy Elsa!" she says and point to the Disney store and jump excitedly., she has actually never been to a mall before, this is the first time. We have two security guards with us to make sure it's safe, but she doesn't really realize that most of the time she just seems really excited.

"Do you want to go in and see?" I tell her and she drags me towards the store. We end up with new frozen bedsheets for her and a frozen doll plushy. She was so excited to see everything around the store. All the princesses and bright colors that kids love. I hope that we can take her to Disneyland sometime, that would be so much fun cause she seems to love all the princess things. 

Eventually I get her out of the store, and we make our way home again with her holding her new toy in the back babbling along to let it go over the speakers. It's so funny to me how big frozen still is after all this time. When she gets a little bit older, I want to take her to see frozen on Broadway too, but she is still a little bit too young for it, sitting still for that long. 

When we get home Ellie runs through the house looking for Joe "daddy daddy see!" she yells and run into joes' arms when he comes into view "wow, is that an Elsa plushy. So cool Ellie. Did you have fun with mommy? Did you get your ballet clothes?" 

"Elsa daddy!" she says and holds the doll in front of his face before she wiggles in his arms wanting back on the floor. 

Ellie runs into the playroom leaving joe and I in the living room so joe comes over to me and wrap he in a hug "Did it go okay?" he says as he holds me close. "It actually did, no papz and only one person asked for a picture" I tell him. "Proud of you, you did it" 

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