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   ~A year later ~

   "You look so beautiful" I turned to my mom with tears in her eyes. "Thank you mama" I whispered as she pulled me into a hug, "Your father would be so happy if he could see you right now" My lip quivered as she smiled caressing my cheek. "Holy shit, you look like a princess" That alone made me laugh, "Well I am...to Axel" I smiled at Ashley and she smiled shaking her head. "Honestly you guys have the whole fairytale love story too" I smiled at her and she kissed my cheek before holding hands with Francesca. "Okay, okay here's your bouquet, wow you look stunning" I grabbed the flowers from Rachel and smiled. "You guys are going to make my head explode with all the compliments. My mom quickly kissed my cheek, "I'm going to get back out there, your uncle should be coming to walk you" I nodded smiling and she left the room. 

   "How you feeling?" I sighed staring at the bouquet of flowers in my hands, "Like I've been waiting for this day for forever" I looked up and smiled at the girls and there was a knock at the door. "God dammit" Aaron said as he rubbed his eyes, "Seriously?" Ashley asked and Aaron shot her a dirty look wiping his tears. I giggled shaking my head and Uncle Louie walked in, "Wow, you look beautiful peanut" I smiled and hugged him and all of us made our way out to the church doors. "Alright everyone, let's get me married" Right on cue the piano started playing and the doors opened. Aaron hooked Ashley arm and they made their way down the aisle, next was Evan and Rachel, then Ethan and Francesca. I would of had Ashley and Francesca walk together, but Ethan threw a fit with walking next to Evan.

   My uncle kissed my cheek then took my arm, "Im so proud of you" He whispered before we made our way to the aisle. Axel stood straight looking devilishly handsome in his fitted tux. Everyone in the pues stood as my uncle and I entered and we slowly made our way to the end of the aisle. Axels jaw was clenched trying to stop himself from crying, but as soon as he saw my eyes and smile he stopped trying. He flashed me a beautiful grin that I returned and my uncle handed me off to him before taking the seat between my mom and cousin. The priest talked a lot and most of it was drowned out as I kept eye contact with Axel, both of us wearing our emotions on our sleeves. "Okay, time for the vows" The priest said smiling, "Ladies first" Axel winked at me making everyone laugh as I rolled my eyes at  him. "Very well" I smirked.

"Axel Avery Lexington, I thought I was doomed until you saved me. A true prince saving his princess, but tonight we are king and queen. A very long time ago I surrendered myself to you, you own all of me from physical to mental, I am yours. I love you hot stuff " Axel swallowed a lump in his throat before wiping a tear and clearing is throat. "I guess that means it's my turn" I shook my head smiling and he chuckled. "Aurora Natalia Andrews, today I have the luxury of giving you my last name, something I have dreamed about from the second I met you. We've already been living like a married couple, this is just for formalities. You are and have always been my one, my life, my girl, my wife. You complete me in the best way possible. I love you with all of me princess".

   "Do you, Axel Avery Lexington take, Aurora Natalia Andrews to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He shot the most wicked grin, "I do" The priest nodded, "And do you Aurora Natalia Andrews, take Axel Avery Lexington to be your lawfully wedded husband" I smiled as the tears ran down my cheek, "I do". The priest smiled and handed us our rings, I put his on and he put mine on, "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride, ladies and gentlemen Mr and Mrs Lexington." Everyone cheered as Axel lightly gripped my face and planted his lips on mine. He broke away smiling like a little boy and I giggled at him, "You're my fucking wife" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck connecting our lips again. 

   "Well meet you guys at the hall" My mom said as we broke our kiss, I nodded at her and Andre came and dapped Axel up. "If it's anyone, i'm glad it's you. You treat her well" Axel nodded smiling and took my hand, "We have some time to kill before we have to be at the hall" I tilted my head at him and he smiled, "Wanna get tacos?" I laughed and nodded. He led me out to a Matt black corvette with white writing on the back windshield saying 'Just Married' I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I get we have money, but a corvette?" He smirked opening my door for me, "Princess, only the best for us" I laughed gathering my dress to sit in the car. He closed the door once I was situated, then he got in the drivers seat and grabbed my hand. He started the car and it roared as he drove to a local taco parlor. "Okay you stay put, I'll be right back".

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