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   Whistles and cheers erupted as my name was called. I made my way on the stage and took my diploma from my principal, shook her hand, then made it back to my seat. Good thing about my last name starting with 'A' was I was one of the first and now I get to sit for the rest of the graduation ceremony. Alec and I had spoken a few times here and there, nothing crazy. He was adamant in not getting back together and it killed me because I can say without a doubt I was still in love with him. 

   After the last student left the stage we all stood and moved the tassel on or caps to the other side then threw them in the air. I quickly found my mom and we left without saying bye or talking to anyone. I want to put this whole school with everyone in to behind me. As I was making it to my moms car Alec and I made eye contact and I quickly looked away. "AURORA" The familiar sweet voice called. I turned to see Alecs mom waving me over. "I'll be right back ma, just gonna say hi to Ramona" My mom nodded and got in the car.

   "Hi Ramona" I got pulled into a hug and she rubbed my back. "You look stunning, congratulations on graduating" I smiled softly at her, "Thank you I appreciate it". She looked at me with sad eyes then looked at Alec who stayed quiet the whole time. "What college are you going to?" My face heat up and I sighed, "I haven't decided actually, I was going to take a year off to get everything figured out" She nodded and squeezed my shoulder. "I um, I don't want to keep my mom waiting, but it was really nice to see you again" I quickly hug her and start jogging to my moms car. 

   "How was it?" I shrugged, "She's as sweet as always" My mom smiled nodding before backing out and driving home. "Did you tell them you chose a college?" I shook my head. "I told them I was going to take a year off to decide, I don't want anyone knowing where I'd be, I'd prefer not to see them." My mom frowned at me as we pulled into the driveway. "Whose car is that?" My mom smiled and dug in her pocket. "Graduation gift" She beamed at me and I stared at her with my mouth gapped open. She laughed and stuck the keys in my hand. "Congratulations sweetie" She leaned over and kissed my cheek before getting out.

   "Mom how'd you even afford this?" She rolled her eyes. "I make a lot of money child" I knew that, I knew we were a bit above middle class with our money. "Yes, but this is a 2022" She shook her head. "Accept the damn gift and come inside so we can have cake" I scuffed and looked over my brand new challenger in disbelief. "Crazy woman" I said under my breath as I headed inside. 


   Summer was a whirlwind. I did absolutely nothing with no one other then going out with my mom occasionally and visiting my dad often. But todays the day. My mom helped bring in some boxes and I set up in my dorm. "Mom please stop crying" She wiped her tears as she put the last box down. "I'm sorry I can't help it. I can't protect you if you aren't under my roof" I frowned at her and pulled her into a hug. "I'll be okay I promise. And I'll call you if i'm not" She squeezed me tight and eventually left. 

   I unpacked all my boxes and started making my bed when the door bursted open. "Holy shit I forgot today was move in day" I jumped at the random voice behind me and she smirked. "You're a cute one" I furrowed my brows and she stuck out her hand. "Hey I'm Ashley, your dorm mate" I shook her hand and matched her smile. "Hey, I'm Aurora"  She showed her teeth now and had a little gasp. "Your name is as stunning as you are, I can already tell this is going to be an amazing pair." She beamed and I giggled.

   "So what's your major?" I smiled shyly going back to fixing my bed. "Psych, you?" She 'ooooo'ed  me before saying "Economics" I looked at her impressed and nodded. "Do you have any friends here?" I shook my head smiling, "This is actually pretty far from my home so I hope I don't run into anyone" I laughed out and she laughed too. "Well whenever you're ready I'd love to show you around, also I hope you have cute clothes because tonight I'm taking you to your first college party" I laughed shaking my head.

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