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   "That's all for todays class, you all can go" I grabbed my books off my desk and waited for Alec to get his. Once he had everything gathered we stepped out into the hallway and made our way to our lockers. "Happy anniversary baby" Alec whispered in my ear. I laughed turning to him. "You said that like eight times today" The smile on his face was so contagious. "So... I like saying it" He was flashing a cheesy grin and I laughed shaking my head. The sound of some clearing their throat takes our attention. 

   "Can I um, talk to you?" Alec pulled me behind him and narrowed his eyes at Ryder, it was his first day back in school since the day Adam and Mike almost killed him. "Listen I don't want any problems man, I just want to apologize" Alec scuffed and crossed his arms. "So do it" Alec turned to me with furrowed brows as I stepped around him. "Go ahead, apologize. For bullying me, for harassing me about my dead father. For being utterly obsessed with me that the whole school thinks you're in love with me and the football team has to watch your every move because they fear for my safety. And while you're at to why don't you also apologize to my boyfriend for trying to set him up and get me to break up with him." 

   Alec chuckled and wrapped his arm around me. "I AM in love with you" Alecs hold on me tightened and his jaw clenched. "That's the only thing you grasped on from what I just said? Jesus you're a fucking psychopath" Ryders eyes darkened and Alec pulled me behind him again. Ryder stepped in Alecs face, but before anything happened Adam swung his arm around Ryders shoulders. "I thought you got the message the first time, do you need to be put in the hospital again?" Fear strung across Ryders face and Mike walked up smiling happily. "You know we have eyes on you 24/7 so imaging my surprise when I get told you're tryin to talk to Rory" Mike chuckled out.

   Ryders face went pale and he gulped. "Why don't we take this outside, yeah?" Adam grabbed the collar of Ryders shirt and pulled him to the floor, dragging him outside the school doors with Mike happily whistling as he followed. Alec turned to me and I shrugged. "I though I'd be living a normal teenage life, but everyday I wake up I keep getting reminded that nothing about my life is typical." Alec shook his head smiling and took my hand as we walked outside. We headed to his car walking past the group of kids watching Ryder get his ass beat again. Alec drove off to his house and we headed to his room. 

  "Here" Alec handed me a big box with a smile. "Alec...you already got me a ring" I frowned up at him and he shrugged. "But I didn't give it to you on our anniversary" I sighed and placed the box on the bed, then carefully pulled the top off. Inside was a beautiful lilac dress. I picked it up and held it out so I could see the whole thing. The material was close to silk and it was backless. It appeared to end a little above my knees and when I looked back in the box there was a pair of nude heels with crystal accents. "Alec....I-" I turned to him with my mouth gaped open and he smirked. "Well get dressed, we leave in a few." He went to his closet and pulled out slacks and a charcoal grey dress shirt, then walked out of his room closing the door behind him. 

   I had a small internal freakout before shaking my head out of my thoughts and starting to undressed. I slipped the dress on and it fit perfectly. I strapped the heels on and looked in Alecs mirror, never in my life have I worn anything remotely fancy to this and I barely recognized myself. I panned up to my face and gasped when I took into account of my hair in a messy bun. I rummaged through my schoolbag and pulled out my brush, I quickly took my hair down and brushed it out which made it worse. As I start to freak out Alecs mom walks in and gasped. "Sweetheart you look stunning- What's wrong hun?" I pointed to my hair and she smiled shaking her head.

   She left the room and quickly came back with a flat iron and my shoulders relaxed. "Oh my god thank you so much" She rubbed my shoulders with a nod and left the room again. I quickly flattened my poofy waves, then pulled out my emergency makeup kit form my schoolbag. All I did was put on some mascara and lipgloss. There was a knock at the door, then it slowly opened and I heard Alec take in a sharp breath. I turned to him with a shy smile and eyed down how good he looked in dress clothes. "You look so fucking good baby" I smiled and walked up to him wrapping my arms around his neck. "So do you" I whispered.

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