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   "Well I mean....is it preventable?", Axel ran his hand down his face "I don't fucking know". I overheard the aggravation in Axels voice as I walked out of the bedroom. Axel and Evan sat at the kitchen table going over charts and business things. "Aurora, can you go in my office desk and get me the file labeled 'Finance'?" I nodded at Axel and headed into his office, I walked up to the desk and opened the right drawer and went through the files till I saw 'Finance'. I grabbed it and went back out and handed Axel the file. "Thank you princess" I nodded heading to the fridge pulling out an apple, "You boys want me to whip something up?" They both looked at me and shook their heads and I shrugged heading back to the bedroom.

   I jumped on the bed sighing as I turned the T.V on taking a bite out of my apple. I aimlessly scrolled through the channels as I laid down and someone knocked on the bedroom door. "Come in" Evan popped his head in, then his body as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Is he okay? Like has he been short tempered with you?" I tilted my head then shook it, "No what do you mean?" Evan sighed and ran his hand over his face, "He's been so angry with me, like every little mistake I make he acts like the whole business is gonna go under" I nodded humming, "He's stressed and he wants everything to be perfect, it'll pass once everything is settled" Evan nodded and Axel walked in with a raised brow. 

   "We aren't done Evan" Evan looked at me then to Axel and nodded as he stood up. "Ax give him a break, you guy's have been working all morning" Axel gave a curt nod and the both of them made their way back to the kitchen table. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the T.V as I finished eating my apple, "JESUS CHRIST EVAN WHAT THE FUCK" I sighed getting off the bed and headed out to the boys, "Axel Avery Lexington" Axels face shot to mine instantly with furrowed brows and Evan tried to hide a smirk. "Watch the way you speak to him, he's your partner not your employee" Axels eyes widened at my stern tone and Evan smiled at me. "Am I understood?" Axel nodded and I gave him curt nod before going back into the bedroom.

   I ONCE AGAIN laid back on the bed, but instead of trying to find something to watch I just ended up scrolling on instagram. A few hours passed when I heard the front door close and Axel strolled into the bedroom with his arms crossed. I looked up at him and raised a brow as he glared down at me. "My whole government? Really?" I nodded my head and went back to my phone, "It was the only way I knew you'd listen, you're taking your anger out on him and he's going to end up resenting you, cool it down a bit" Axel ran his hand over his face then through his hair, "I'll try" I nodded again as he walked over and laid down next to me. "He left?" Axel nodded resting his arm over my waist.

For The Streets

Me: Imagine not saying bye...

Ashley: Huh?

Evan: Sorry :(

Me: Uh huh...

Aaron: Yikes

Me: Especially after sticking up for you, not a good look man

Evan: I'm sorrryyyyy <3

Ethan: Am I finally out of the dog house?

Evan: Remember when you gave Aurora a black eye?

Ethan: Dude...

Hot Stuff: I remember it clear as day

Ethan: She forgave me a second after it happened

Aaron: Bro she got you McDonalds

Rachel: He gave her a black eye?

Me: Yeah it was a while ago, he punched me in the face

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