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   Aurora and I are coming up on our one month anniversary and this has been the happiest I've ever been in a long time. "Hey" She walked in my room and fell back on my bed. I turned in my desk chair and smiled at her. "My mom let you in?" She nodded and smiled. "She was on her way out and told me to tell you to behave" I chuckled and shook my head then turned back to my desk and finished up the last few sentences of the essay that's due soon. I turned back to Aurora and she was scrolling on her phone. 

   I stood from my chair waking over to my bed and laid all of my body weight oh her, sticking my head under her arms and resting on her chest. She let out a 'humpf' and tossed her phone next to us and tightened her arms around me. "You make me happy" She tightened her grasp on me and kissed the top of my head. "You make me happy too" I lifted my head and smiled at her. "Do you know what colleges sure applying to?" She nodded her head and smiled. "I was just going to apply to a few community colleges because all schools teach the same shit, what about you?" I nodded smiling. "I was gonna do the same thing, I want to major in nursing like my mom did and every school offers that" I said with a shrug and she smiled.

   "I was going to major in psychology" I chuckled and shook my head. "It's like we were meant for each other" She kissed me and when she pulled back I buried my face in her neck. "Do um, do you want to visit my dads grave with me?" I jumped up and stared her in her eyes. "Y-you don't have to, I just you know" I kissed her to stop her from rambling and smiled at her as I pulled back. "I'd love to meet your dad Aurora". The joy in her face was enough for me to be happy for a life time. I kissed her again and got up pulling her with me. I grabbed my car keys and her hand and we made our way to my car. 

   "Is he at the local cemetery or the one for cops and firefighters?", "He's at the local one, technically because he was killed in the line of duty he was supposed to be buried with the other cops, but my mom wanted him close. She also bought the plot next to him so when she goes she'll be buried next to him." I nodded and placed my hand on her thigh. We pulled up to the cemetery and got out walking to the gate. She took a deep breath and I grabbed her hand. She smiled at me and we made our way inside walking past many headstones. "Welp, here he is" She walked me to a headstone that was engraved with a portrait of Auroras dad and had writing saying "Beloved Father, Husband, And Cop" She smiled down at the headstone and kissed the tips of her fingers and placed it on his engraved portrait. 

    "When I was younger my dad used to take me to visit my grandfathers grave a lot and he said it was tradition to find a rock and place it on or near the headstone....I stopped doing it for him when I got older, but it's a good memory of him" I let go of her hand and grabbed a rock, when I turned back to her she had  tears in her eyes and a grin. I placed the rock at the bottom of his grave and grabbed her hand again. "He would have loved you" She smiled staring at his grave. "I'm trying to get his daughter to love me" She rolled her eyes and swatted my arm playfully. "Okay let's go get some food, bye dad" She kissed the tips of her fingers again and placed them on his portrait. 

   We walked back to my car and I drove us to a diner. We slid in the booth and I ordered our usual cheeseburger with a side of mozzarella sticks and a shake to share. "Can I pay? You never let me" I chuckled and shook my head. "No you can't pay and I never let you because I want to pay for you" She pouted, "But I want to pay for you" I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand, "Darling as long as I'm with you, you'll never spend a dime" She huffed and I laughed at her. Our food came and we took our time eating as we conversed about random shit. "Do you want my fries?" I frowned at her. "Aurora are you okay?".

   She furrowed her brows and tilted her head. "Ive just been noticing that you haven't been eating as much as you used to" She dropped her head then lifted it smiling. "I'm okay" I frowned and sighed. "You know you can talk to me right? That's what i'm here for baby" She nodded, "I just thought you were here for the good sex" I narrowed my eyes at her and she smirked. "Go to the car now" I slid her the car keys and she giggled taking them and walking out of the diner. I quickly payed for our meal and headed to the car. As soon as I got in I sped to my house and we ran inside. "Son" I froze in my tracks and Aurora looked nervous as fuck. 

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