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    "AURORA BREAKFAST IS READY!" I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head trying to savor the comfort of my bed. A few seconds later a small knock was at my door and it opened slowly. I moved the blanket away from my face and my mom smiled at me softly and took a seat on the edge next to me. "Normally I would let you sleep in, but you have a visitor" She winked at me and my stomach fluttered. She giggled and shook her head, "Knew that would get you up" She stood and walked out of the room closing the door behind her. 

   I jumped out of bed and quickly put on Alecs sweatpants and ran to my bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and stared in the mirror to see if I looked decent enough for Alec. I rolled my eyes at the thought of another caring about my appearance and I quickly brushed my hair before strolling downstairs. I entered the kitchen and my mom was setting the table while Alec helped her. His back was to me so I skipped up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He turned in my grasp and wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I pulled away and he smirked at me,"You look cute, nice clothes".

   I shook my head at him and kissed his cheek. "Don't mind her she's mute in the morning, give her a few minutes to start talking" I rolled my eyes at my mom and she smiled patting my head. "Oh, when she slept over I got a lot out her actually" My eyes widened at Alec and my mom shrugged. "I guess she just doesn't like talking to me in the morning. My eyes still widened at Alec as he tries not to laugh. "Mom that's not true I love taking to you" I scowled at Alec and he gave me a cheesy grin. "Why are you here?" He gasped and held his chest, "Are you not happy to see me darling?" I rolled my eyes at him and he frowned. 

   "I'm always happy to see you, but I wanna know why I'm seeing you" He smirked and wrapped his arms around me bringing me into his chest. "I was going to take you out for breakfast, but your mom insisted on me staying" I smiled and he pecked my lips. "Okay guys sit, sit". We sat at the table and my mom served us breakfast, then herself. "So Alec, I'd like to know not only how you got my daughter to start leaving the house again, but how you got her to be your girlfriend" She shook her head laughing as if it was unbelievable and I frowned. Alec saw and rubbed my leg, "Honestly she has the same effect on me. I never left my house much either and I mean I talked to girls, but never really committed to them" My mom nodded with a smile. "Then I'm glad you two found each other".

   I turned to Alec smiling and his face mimicked mine. After breakfast Alec and I went up to my room and laid on my bed. I curled up against his side and rested my cheek on his chest, "Wanna do anything later?" I shrugged and got my body closer to his and he chuckled. "You know it's kind of scary how much I feel for you" I lifted my head and looked at him with furrowed brows and he cupped my cheek "Not in a bad way, I just never felt like this for a girl before" I rolled my eyes and laid my head back down. "That's because I'm not a girl, I'm a woman" He chuckled rubbing my back. "Yes, yes you are babe". 

   I reach over Alec grabbing my remote off the nightstand and I turned the T.V on. I put on a movie and got up and locked my door. When I turned back to the bed Alec looked at me confused as I walked up to him and straddled him. His hands went immediately to my hips and he pulled me closer to him. "What are you up to Aurora?" I smirked and leaned into his ear. "Making to up to you" I pulled back and his eyes darkened. I slid back and he groaned as I slid off his bulge. I got between his spread legs and started unbuttoning his jeans. "Seriously who wakes up on a Sunday and puts jeans on?" He chucked and raised his hip and I slid the jeans along with his boxers off. 

   His hard dick sprung out and I smirked up at him "I have this effect on you?" He slowly nodded  and hissed when I grabbed the base of his dick. I never done this before, but men are simple creatures. I slowly stroked him and he grabbed my wrist. "Aurora I need more" He spit out and I giggled as I got on my elbows. I opened my mouth and licked his head and a groan slipped out. Once I hyped myself up enough to actually do this I lowered my mouth on his dick and he grabbed a handful of my hair taking it out of my face. I slowly bobbed my head with suction and his hips buckled. "Fuck Aurora" He threw his head back and a I moaned at the sight making him jerk. He started to grip my hair tighter holding my head in place and he lifted his hips up and down hard and fast into my mouth.

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