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   "Axel" My body was being shook, "Axel wake up" I groaned and peeled my eyes open to Aurora looking at me with a frown. "What's wrong princess?" She grabbed my hand looking down at it and my eyes followed her gaze to my bruised knuckles. "What did you do last night?" I took my hand out of hers and caressed her cheek, "You have a headache?" She frowned looking at me as I sat up, "Come, let's get some food in you" I slid off the bed tossing a t-shirt to her then headed out to the kitchen pulling eggs and bacon out of the fridge. I heated a pan and quickly whipped up two sunny side ups and some bacon for her as she got dressed and I took the Tylenol out of the cabinet and slid to next to her plate before making her a cup of coffee. 

   She walked out of the bedroom with a frown still on her face as she sat where I put her plate. "Princess stop frowning" I sighed out as she grabbed the Tylenol, "Tell me what you did last night Axel" I turned away from her as I put the pan in the sink, "I had a talk with Matt" I turned back to her and she nodded bitting a piece of bacon. "Is he alive?" My eyes widened at her, "Jesus Aurora, yes he's alive" She shrugged while finishing her piece of bacon. "Just asking" She rolled her eyes and I sighed leaning against the counter across from her, "Roll them again" I challenged her and she sighed while starting to eat her eggs. "You're not eating?" I shook my head then went into the bedroom getting a suit ready. 

   I took my sweatpants and boxers off throwing them in the hamper, then throwing Auroras clothes from last night in the hamper before jumping in the shower. I quickly washed myself and brushed my teeth before getting dressed quickly and Aurora came in taking my tie off the bed and tying it for me, "Thank you" She nodded and kissed my cheek before heading into the bathroom. I quickly slipped my shoes on and headed out to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, I leaned my back against the sink as I sipped on it and some time later Aurora came out of the room with damp hair and my shirt hanging loosely around her. "Where are you going?" She asked as she walked up to me wrapping her arms around my torso and resting her head against my chest. 

   "Business meeting at a restaurant, shouldn't be too long I'll come right back to you" She lifted her face smiling at me and I pecked her soft lips smiling back. "Promise?" I nodded then kissed her forehead, "You're staying in? You don't have to wait for me" She nodded stepping back then looking over the apartment, "Gonna do some deep cleaning" I nodded and once again kissed her forehead before putting my mug in the sink, "I'll be back princess" She grabbed my hand pulling me back then kissed my lips, I smirked at her before stepping out of the apartment with my briefcase. In no way did I want to see the doorman and his bruised face so I took the back door to my car. I drove off following the directions to the restaurant and when I parked Evan was leaned against the window outside. 

   "Since when do you smoke?" He dropped the cigaret and stepped on it, "Been stressed" I nodded and we headed inside walking to the table with other men in suits. They all stood and shook our hands introducing themselves before we sat. "So guys, how can we help you?" Evan asked while I leaned back in my chair. "Well, we feel like we have a good business opportunity to present to you two. My partners and I would like to start a non-profit organization that would aid  kids in troubled homes" I nodded as I took a note pad out and started writing in it. "Okay and what would the organization be?" The men looked at each other then at me and Evan and I sighed, "Look its a nice sentiment, but you can't just help kids without a plan. You need to figure out what you guys want to do and how you'll get the money before you ask for help." I stood and Evan followed suit, "Contact us when you figure all the details out" Evan and I left and when we got outside he shook his head.

   "Well that was quicker then I thought it'd be" I chuckled nodding. "I want to feel bad for them, but it's common sense that they lack. Even if they do end up getting a plan worked out I don't think they'd be a good investment" Evan nodded and we headed to our cars, "Aright man I'll catch you later" I dapped him up and got in my car as he got in his.

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