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   Alec quickly got dressed then we headed to his car and he drove me home. Before I got out he grabbed my hand, "Is your mom home?" I nodded and his eyes went to my neck. I raised a brow at him then I pulled his car mirror down and gasped when I saw the purple spots on my neck. "Alec what the fuck" I turned to him with my eyes wide and he chuckled. I smacked his arm and he laughed harder. "Babe it's hot, it's like my claim on you" I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. 

   I headed inside and dropped my school bag on the floor. "MA I'M HOME" She popped her head out of the kitchen and smiled. "How was the sleep over?" I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "It was nice, I'm going to go get ready for Alanas party." She nodded and glanced at my neck widening her eyes, "Honey I love that Alec is bringing you out of your shell more, but be carful please" I smiled and hugged her. "I know mama, he asked to be his girlfriend, I said yes so I wanna have him over for dinner one night" She nodded and kissed my forehead. 

    I ran upstairs and went straight to my closet. I had to go all the way in the back to the clothes I never wear because Alana always talks about her parties and how people dress up for them. This is my first time actually going to one so I'm scared shitless, but I know Alec will let me cling to his side the whole time. I pull out a navy blue mini dress that I got when I was a freshmen for my birthday dinner. My body got more curvaceous since then so I hope it looks nice. I quickly slip on the dress and do mild makeup. I brush my hair out quickly and spritz myself with perfume, then slip on some heels and make my way downstairs. "You look lovey baby, have fun".

   "Thank you mama, bye" She hugged me and I ran out to Alecs car. He quickly got out and made his way to me pulling me into his chest. "Aurora you look so fucking beautiful" He kissed me and I giggled. He opened the door for me and when he got in he drove off to Alanas house with my directions. We found a parking spot and started heading to the house with blasting music hand in hand. "Just say the word and we'll leave okay?" I nodded at him and gripped his hand tighter as we made our way to the door. We made our way inside and a bunch of people were already drinking and dancing. 

   I lead Alec to the kitchen and we grabbed a drink to share. I wasn't one for getting drunk and Alec had to drive. "HEY GUYS! Jesus what happened to your neck Rory?" Alec chuckled and she looked at us confused. "He happened, well his mouth technically" I rolled my eyes and Alana grimaced, "So it is true" I nodded and Alec wrapped his arms around me. She pursed her lips and backed out of the kitchen. "Well hopefully she'll stop making googly eyes at you now" He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I wasn't really one for affection, but I'll take whatever I can from Alec.

   I grabbed his hand and we made our way to the living room, I pushed him on the couch then I sat on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yeah this is nice and cozy" I wiggled my ass on his lap and Alec gripped my hips making me stop. He narrowed his eyes at me and I giggled. "You're playing with fire Aurora, cut it out" I kissed his cheek and he rolled his eyes. "What the fuck are you two doing here?" I turned to Ryder who's face showed disgust and anger. "We were invited dipshit" His jaw clenched and Alec sat up with me in his arms, then he sat me on the couch. "Alec sit down" He ignored me and got in Ryders face. 

   "There a problem?" Ryder scuffed and got closer, "Trying to finish what was going to go down yesterday?" Alec chuckled and I was on the verge of a panic attack. Ryder went to swing and Alec dodged it planting a strong right hook on Ryder and when he fell Alec got on top of him and started beating him in the ground. A group of guys pulled him off and he shrugged out of their grasp. He turned to me and I was hyperventilating. Alec ran to me while people were helping Ryder up. He pulled me into his arms and cupped my face. 

   "Aurora breath baby, I need you to breath" I stared up at him with tears in my eyes as I struggled to catch my breath. Next thing I knew we were outside and Alec sat me down on the grass. He sat in front of me and put his hands in mine. "Aurora count my fingers baby" My hands shook as I took his fingers one by one and counted them. My breathing slowed down and I looked at him with furrowed brows. His face fell and he dropped his head. "Im so sorry Aurora, I'm sorry I caused this" I smiled at him and cupped his face. "Its okay" I whispered out and he shook his head and pulled me into him. "Lets get out of here okay?" I nodded and he stood and helped me up. Then he lifted me into his arms and I automatically threw my arms around his neck. 

   He walked to his car and placed me down to open the door for me, once I got in he buckled my belt then got in his seat. He placed his hand on my thigh and started driving. I glanced at his hand and frowned at the bruising and blood on his knuckles. "Do you have napkins in here?" He nodded in the direction of the glove compartment and I opened it taking a napkin out. I opened the water bottle that was in the cup holder and wet the napkin lightly, I then gripped Alec's wrist and lightly wiped down his knuckles. He barely flinched as he drove, but gripped my thigh tight and rubbed his thumb against it. "Thank you love" I threw the napkin out the window and we pulled into a diner parking lot. 

   He got out and ran to my side opening my door and helping me out. He interlocked his fingers in mine and we walked into the diner taking a booth. I looked over the menu and told Alec to just get me what he gets himself. The waiter came and Alec ordered both of us a burger and a side of mozzarella sticks and a shake to share, "This is technically our first date" I smiled up at him and he was grinning widely. "Yeah I guess it is" I chuckled out as he grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes, whenever he does that I feel like I'm the only woman in the world. It seriously does something to me. 

   "You okay?" I smiled and nodded at him and he smiled back. Our food came and we ate and talked about random stuff. Alec tried his best to make me laugh and he succeeded.  We shared the shake and when the bill came I snatched it off the table. "Aurora give me the bill" His tone was stern, but I ignored it as I pulled my debit card out of my phone case. "Aurora I'm not playing give me the bill now" I smirked at him as I slid my card in the bill book and his jaw clenched. "Keep it up and you're not going to like when I edge you" My smirk dropped and I stared at him in disbelief. "Hand me the bill now".

   I handed him the bill book with pursed lips "Good girl", He took my debit card out and put his in, then put a 20 on the table for tip. He took my debit card off the table and slid it into his wallet then stood up holding his hand out for me to take. We made our way to the cash register and Alec handed the lady the book and after we payed he took my hand and led me to his car. Before we got in he twirled me around then pulled me into his chest. He planted a sweet kiss on my lips and pulled away smiling, then he opened the door for me. 

   I got in the car and he followed shorty after and we made our way to my house. I took his hand and kissed his knuckles. "Is it wrong that I just want to drive back to my place and have you sleep over again?" I giggled and shook my head. "No it's not, but my mom is already concerned with the bruises you left on my neck" He smirked and leaned over giving me a kiss. "Good night Alec" He leaned back and watched me get out of the car eyeing my body down. I ran to the door and opened it to see my mom watching T.V on the couch. When I got closer I saw that she was asleep. 

   I turned the T.V off and threw a blanket over her and I quietly made my way to my room. I kicked off my heels and peeled off the skin tight dress and I immediately jumped into the shower. When I got out I dried myself off and made my way to my bedroom and slipped into Alecs shirt I wore last night. I laid my head down and my phone buzzing stopped me from falling asleep. 

Alec <3: My bed is cold without you :(

Me: LMFAOOO poor baby

Alec <3: Wow so rude my love, so rude

Me: I'm sorry babe, I'll make it up to you

Alec <3: Yeah? How so?

Me: For starters I could start with what you didn't let me do this morning

Alec <3: Hm compelling, we'll see. Get some rest beautiful

Me: Yes sir

   I connected my phone to the charger and put it down, then rested myself back down. The panic attack wore me out so it didn't take long for me to completely knock out, but a part of me fought it wishing Alec was next to me. My eyes fluttered shut and I drifted off to sleep.

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