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   It's been about a month since the Ryder incident. Alec has been little stand offish with me lately and I don't know why. When I text him he gives short dry answers and when I see him in school it looks like his mind is constantly somewhere else, some days he actually didn't show up and when I texted and called him he didn't answer which made me feel like shit. So when I woke up on Saturday I decided to stop by his house and confront him. 

   It didn't take long to walk there, he lives abut 15 minutes away from me and it was quite beautiful out. The only problem I was facing was the anxiety of talking to Alec and figuring out what's going on with him. I eventually got to his block and dragged my feet to his front door. His moms car wasn't in the driveway which made me more anxious for some reason. I raised my hand to knock on the door, but my mind tells me not too. I shake my head out of being a pussy and I knock on the door. A few seconds later a shirtless, messy haired Alec opened the door with a blank face. 

   "What are you doing here?" I furrowed my brows at him. "I-" He sighed, "Spit it out" Annoyance lacing his words. "I just wanted to talk and see you" He rubbed his hands down his face and shook my head. "Did you not get the hint when I text you?" I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. It feels like I was just punched in the gut. "Why are you being like this?" Guilt crosses his eyes for a split second before going back to the cold. "Aurora go home" A tear falls down my cheek and I quickly wipe it before taking the ring Alec gave me off. 

   I grab his hands and place the ring in his palm and closed his hand smiling with a nod. He looked at me with wide eyes and starts to shake his head. I step back when he opens the door further. "No" I smiled again, "Its okay, you made me very happy while it lasted, good bye Alec" I turned and started walking home without looking back. I couldn't stop the dam from breaking, the tears left my eyes like it was my first time crying in years. A sob occasionally leaving my lips, I couldn't go home like this. So where do I go? Simple, I walk to the cemetery.

   "Hi dad" I say through my sobs. Did this really just happen? Technically I ended it with him, but did he really give me a choice? He asked why I was at his house then told me to leave....The same boy who I'd given my heart to, my everything to. The same boy who couldn't spend a second without having his hands on me, looked me in my eyes and told me to go home in the most coldest manner I've ever seen him use. "Dad he- I love him and he broke me" I kneel down in front of his tombstone and cry into my hands. My phone keeps blowing up, but I make it my best effort to not even look at it knowing its Alec. 

   I use Siri to text my mom so I don't have to look at the screen and tell her I stopped by to see dad. I don't know how long I was at the cemetery, but the sun started to set pretty quickly. I said bye to my dad and started walking home. I opened the door and there was chatter in the kitchen. "Ma I'm home" It got quiet and she popped her head out of the kitchen. "Hi sweetie, um- Alecs here." I look up ay her with wide eyes and walk right back out the front door. I start walking, where? I don't know, just away from here. Next thing I know my name was being shouted and Alec was running after me.

   "Aurora please don't do this" I turned to him, my eyes still red and puffy. "You did this, not me" I turned from him and started walking till he took my wrist and pulled me back. "Talk to me please" I laughed and he looked at me with furrowed brows. "What was it you said to me when I wanted to talk, oh right...Go home Alec. We're done" I pulled my wrist from him and started heading back towards my house. I slammed the door behind me when I got in and my mom looked at me worried. "Never let him back in this house again" Before she could ask anything I went straight to my room and locked my door behind me. 

   I got changed into my dads clothes and crawled into bed staring at the ceiling. Now he wanted to talk? Fucking unbelievable. I can't fucking stand him and he's still blowing up my fucking phone. 

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