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   I woke up to an empty bed which was not my favorite thing to wake up to. I sighed and pushed myself into my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth before throwing a shirt on and heading downstairs. The smell of waffles hit my nose as I get closer to the kitchen and the sound of my girls laughter fills my ears putting a smile on my face as I walk in, to see her cooking breakfast with Aaron and Evan making conversation with her. As much as Ethan and Evan fuck around with her I love that the boys like having her around to fill that brotherly roll she grew up without.

   "Hey look who woke up, morning sleeping beauty" I rolled my eyes at Evans cocky smile and I walked around the kitchen island and kissed Aurora on the cheek. "Morning princess" She smiled wildly and kisses me. "Morning hot stuff, want breakfast?" I nodded and took a seat next to Aaron after giving him a fist bump. Aurora slipped two waffles on five plates and handed one to me, Aaron, and Evan after sliding some bacon on it. She placed a plate next to Evan for Ethan when he wakes up, then took a seat next to me. 

   "Should I go wake him up?" Evan laughed at Aurora shaking his head. "He's a grumpy fuck in the morning. You can try, but don't say I didn't warn you" Aurora smirked and stood up, I slipped my arm around her waist and shook my head. "I like a good challenge" She kissed my temple, then got out of my grasp walking to Ethans room. It got eerily quiet as we all made eye contact waiting to hear Ethan shout like we have countless of time when he's woken up, but the only thing we hear is the two of them laughing as they stroll into the kitchen. 

   "Shit Rory, you made us breakfast? Thanks gorgeous" He side hugged her before sitting next to Evan with a smile plastered on his face. Aurora started digging into the food, as did Ethan as the three of us looked at them like it was an unnatural phenomenon. "What. The . Fuck" Aurora furrowed her brows at Evan and Ethan raised his brow and tilted his head. "What did you say? How? Why is he not cranky and yelling? What magic do you source?" Aurora blinks at him a few times before bursting out in laughter and Aaron joined her. "No seriously?" Evan turned to Ethan, "How did she wake you up?" Ethan shook his head. 

   "She just lightly knocked and when I opened my eyes and saw her I thought 'Now who could be mad at a face like that?' Then she said she had a surprise in the kitchen so I followed her here to a delicious breakfast" I rolled my eyes and Aurora patted my thigh. "I do have a pretty adorable face" She smiled cutely and Aaron smirked, Evan shook his head, and Ethan smiled shoving waffle into his mouth "Yes you are princess".  As we finished up our food I clean up the table and the bell rang. Aurora happily went to answer it. "WHO IS IT?" Evan shouted and when there was no answer the four of us went to the front door to see Amy standing outside. 

   "Amy what are you doing here?" Aaron growled out and she furrowed her brows. "I just wanted to talk to Rory, I promise I won't bother the rest of you" Aurora sighed and she nodded her in as the boys scowled at her. I just raised my brow at her and nodded the boys into the living room while the girls went into the kitchen. "Should I? Or do one of you want to?" I asked as I pulled out my phone, Aaron sighed shaking his head. "Do we really have to?" Evan asked as we all sat on the couch. "It seems right, but it's not our drama" Ethan said interlocking his fingers behind his head and man spreading. I sighed, "I'll do it"

For the streets

Me: So Amy just showed up to the house wanting to speak to Aurora

Rachel: What the actual fuck

Ashely: And Aurora is giving her the time of day?

Me: Yeah she is, but I'm not listing to the convo they're in the kitchen. I'm sure she'll tell you guys everything once she leaves

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