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   This is it, the last day of classes for the year. Time has flown by so fast I honestly can't even fathom it. How am I already going into sophomore year? Axel and I have been so good, he's just all around a great person and I got so lucky with him. He's caring and supportive, he can tell when there's something wrong and he's so in tune to me it's crazy. Alec was expelled from campus when he was released from custody and hasn't been allowed to set foot on it ever since, I haven't heard from him either. 

   It's kind of heart breaking, he was someone I considered my first love, was it really love? No it wasn't, it was obsession on his end and the need for male attention on mine. It's different with Axel, I do genuinely think I'm in love with him and it makes me so fucking happy that he feels the same. "How was your last class?" I embrace Ashley and laugh at her cocky smile. "It was amazing knowing it's the last" She laughed as we started to walk to the cafeteria. "Princess" Axel kisses me and smiles when he pulls back.

   "Hot stuff" I let him sit before plopping myself on his lap. "So how are we celebrating the end of the school year?" Aaron hummed, "We could go away for the weekend or something" We all nodded and Ethan shrugged. "It seems nice, but some of us are broke" I giggled shaking my head. "I'll cover the expenses" Everyone looked at me with a raised brow. "Guys I'm loaded chill" Axel squeezed my thigh and I looked at him. "They don't deserve your money babe" Evan gasped shaking his head. "How dare you assume I don't deserve the beautiful lady's money".

   Axel rolled his eyes and I kissed his cheek. "It's fine hot stuff I promise. An airbnb is only like 1,000 depending on the size and how long we're staying. Ashley and Rachel can share a room, we'll share a room, so about 5 rooms, yeah that's cheap" Axel scuffed and I rolled my eyes at him. "Aaron you find a place and let me know" He nodded and Evan changed the subject. "So....is marriage on the table for you two?" I laughed and Axel frowned. 

   "Of course it is, just not anytime soon" His frown turned to a small smile and Ethan rolled his eyes. "You know you could have chose me when you met us" Axel scowled at him and he threw his hands up in surrender. "No offense Ethan, but Axels hot and you're...You" Everyone laughed as Ethan looked at me with his mouth hung open. "Take that back right now" I shook my head laughing and he crossed his arms pouting like a child. "That isn't helping your case you glorified man baby" Axels laugh got louder and his body shook with humor. 

   "You have some mouth on you Andrews" Ethan shook his head. "Yeah she really does believe me" I smacked Axels arm playfully and now the boys were all looking at my mouth. "See what you did?" Axel quickly took his hand and covered my mouth. "Don't ever fantasize about my girlfriends lips again" I mumbled behind his massive hand, but it was incoherent. The boys quickly adverted their gaze and Ashely rolled her eyes at them. Axel kept his hand on my mouth so I licked him and he turned to me smirking. 

   "Do it again" He said in a taunting way. I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled. I mumbled again and that time he took his hand away. "Lets all go out for dinner"I suggested. Rachel squealed happily, "Oh my god lets go to a fancy restaurant and dress up super fancy like we mean something to the public eye" I giggled at her shaking my head, "I'm in" I pointed at Ashely and she nodded, the boys nodded when I looked at them and when I looked at Axel he had his brows knit together. 

   "What? You don't wanna do it?" He sighed, "I don't own fancy clothes princess" I laughed and stood up holding my hand out for him. "We're going shopping I'll text you guys when to start getting ready" They all nodded at me and Axel reluctantly took my hand. I led him to my car and we got in. "Where are we going?" I took his hand while starting the car and smiled at him. "My uncle own a tux store" His eyes widened and I laughed. "You already met my mom calm down" He shook his head, "And you've yet to meet mine".

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