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   "WHAT? I CANT HEAR YOU!" Ashley rolled her eyes and pressed her cheek against mine to speak into my ear. "I'M GOING TO THE BATHROOM" I nodded with a smile and she made her way through the dancing bodies and flashing lights. Large hands around my waist turned me and I was face to face with Axel who eyed my body down in my small tight dress with hunger. He leaned into my ear pressing his soft lips against it, "Remember what happened last time we were in a club?" I felt my face heat up and he looked at me smirking. His hands tightened against my hips and he pulled me flush against his hard body as he moved the both of us to the blasting music. 

   Next thing I know I was hauled over his broad shoulder and little by little the music drowned out as he closed a door behind us. He locked it, then plopped me on a bed smiling down at me. "What are you doing?" I laughed out as his eyes roamed over my body without shame. "Just wanted some alone time" He flashed a cheesy grin, then plopped himself down next to me. "And what did you expect to do with this alone time?" I turned my head to him and a sinful smirk graced his lips. He rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt up and my eyes drank in the sight of how sexy he looked. He caught me staring and chuckled before standing and crawling between my legs. He took the bottom of my dress and pulled to up to my waist, then pulled my thong off and shoved it in his back pocket. 

   My bottom lip was pulled into my mouth as I stared at him starting to leave warm kisses all over my thighs. "What was your question again?" He looked up at me with a serious face. "W-what do you expect to do with this alone time?" The tips of his fingers trailed up and down my thigh as he stared into my eyes. "I expect to taste you with this alone time princess" His eyes turned dark and a breath got caught in my throat as he lowered his head between my thighs. His tongue ran though my pussy lips and he groaned squeezing my thighs. My head fell back as he flicked my clit with the tip of his tongue and a whimper left my mouth when he nipped it. He sucked and licked like he was starving and I was the only thing that could cure his hunger. 

   My eyes screwed shut as I felt my orgasm approaching and he sensed it too. As he sucked he stuck two fingers in me curling them against my g-spot and soul left my body. He lifted his head and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand then sucked his fingers clean. "Taste amazing as always princess" He came over me and his hand went around my throat lightly as he crashed his lips on mine. I trailed my hand to his erection and palmed it making him groan. He backed up and shook his head making me frown. "All about you baby, I'm good" My frown deepened and he chuckled as he pulled my dress down and pulled me to my feet. "I'm sure Ashley's worried about us" I giggled and put my hand in his interlocking our fingers.

   He walked us back to the raging music and sweaty bodies and when we met back with our friends Aaron wiggling his brows at us. I shook my head smiling and Axel punched his shoulder. Ashley wrapped her arms around my neck and started to sway and Ethan rolled his eyes. "SHES WAY TOO DRUNK RIGHT NOW" I turned and hugged Ashley smiling and she giggled almost loosing her balance. I handed her to Francesca shaking my head and went on my tippy toes to get to Axels ear, "CAN WE LEAVE?" He nodded his head and we said goodbye to everyone before walking out of the club hand in hand. "I don't think I want to leave the house for a month, Ive had my share" I giggling nodding, "I agree".

   We made it to his car and got in sighing as we relaxed in the seats. "Are you good to drive?" He smiled at me nodding, "I didn't drink" I smiled grabbing his hand and he started the car and drove off. "Hungry?" I nodded and he made his way to Romeo's, opening my door for me and helping me out. "Do you want to take those off?" He pointed at my heels and I frowned nodding. He smiled and kissed my forehead before going to his trunk and pulling out a pair of his crocs. He opened the driver side for and had me sit so he could take my heels off and slide the crocs on. "Better?" I smiled brightly at him nodding and stood wrapping my arms around his torso, "Thank you hot stuff" He smiled down at me and pecked my lips before tossing my heels in the car then locking it.

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